OSHO International Podcast
PodcastReligion & Spirituality
OSHO International presents an ever-expanding selection of video and audio clips featuring insights by the contemporary mystic, Osho. Drawing upon a collection of more than 6,500 live recordings, each program offers a glimpse into the many dimensions of Osho's unique vision. Humorous, provocative and controversial, Osho articulates the nature of the human mind with all its foibles, and voices the urgent need for a new, individual approach to spirituality free from repressive and divisive superstitions of the past. Longer programs and complete series of talks are offered through different publishers and the OSHO International Foundation. Visit us at www.osho.com
Related Items:
Publisher | OSHO International |
Website | http://www.osho.com/audiobooks |
Language(s) | English |
Images And Data Courtesy Of: OSHO International.
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