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Pather Panchali (1955)

1955 | Drama

125 mins

Impoverished priest Harihar Ray, dreaming of a better life for himself and his family, leaves his rural Bengal village in search of work

Produced by Government of West Bengal
Director Satyajit Ray
Writer Bibhutibhushan Bandyopsadyay and Satyajit Ray
Cast Kanu Banenrjee, Karuna Banenrjee and Subir Banerjee

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Government of West Bengal.
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Pather Panchali (1955) reviews from people you don't follow

Terence Nance recommended (curated)

Pather Panchali (1955)
Pather Panchali (1955)
1955 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Saw it recently in theaters during the re-release because I wondered where Wes got his thing from."


Rashad Ernesto recommended (curated)

Pather Panchali (1955)
Pather Panchali (1955)
1955 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This first installment in Satyajit Ray’s Apu Trilogy is an incredibly moving, heartfelt story that takes place in the countryside of Bengal in the 1920s. The stark images captured my heart from my first viewing."


Ramin Bahrani recommended (curated)

Pather Panchali (1955)
Pather Panchali (1955)
1955 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I first saw Ray’s films at the Lincoln Plaza in college and they left a deep, indelible mark. It’s a masterwork that I return to over and over again."


David Zellner recommended (curated)

Pather Panchali (1955)
Pather Panchali (1955)
1955 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I can’t think of a film as human and humane as this one. About as beautiful as it gets. Makes me weepy every time. Incredible score by Ravi Shankar"
