Petal & Twig: Seasonal Bouquets with Blossoms, Branches, and Grasses from Your Garden
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2012 | Sport & Leisure
Forcing flowers to stand up and do tricks is the old way of flower bouquets. That called for flying in blossoms from around the world. The new way is so much more DIY and all about what's happening in the garden right now, no matter the season. "Petal & Twig" is full of photographs and descriptions of wonderfully fresh combinations from garden-expert Valerie Easton's own garden. With an inviting and personal tone, Easton shows how to assemble floral combinations for colour, for fragrance, to express the essence of the season, for the dinner table, for the kitchen, for the bookshelf. Inspiration, experimentation and simple pleasure are the keys to the new bouquets.
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Published by | Sasquatch Books |
Edition | Unknown |
ISBN | 9781570617669 |
Language | N/A |
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Sasquatch Books.
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