Philanthropy Podcast: A Resource for Leaders and Development, Advancement, and Fundraising Professionals

Philanthropy Podcast: A Resource for Leaders and Development, Advancement, and Fundraising Professionals

Government & Organizations

Explore the fields of philanthropy, fundraising, social entrepreneurship, and more to become a better development professional or volunteer. Find ideas to benefit the institutional advancement efforts of your non-profit, charity, or organization and submit your challenges to be featured in a show. Connect with industry experts for in-depth interviews, hear important topics discussed in depth, discover the latest in innovative ideas in philanthropy, and learn from reviews of conferences, books, and services in the field.

Publisher Sean MacCready, CFRE - Fundraiser, podcaster, philanthropy educator
Language(s) English

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Sean MacCready, CFRE - Fundraiser, podcaster, philanthropy educator.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.