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Plane (2023)

2023 | Action

107 mins

Pilot brodie torrence saves his passengers from a lighting strike by making a risky landing on a war torn island only to find that surving the landing was only the beginning when dangerous rebels take most of the passengers hostage the only person torrence can count on for help is Louis gaspare an accursed murderer who was being transported on the plane

Produced by Lionsgate
Director Jean - fancios reichet
Cast Gerald butler, Mike coulter, Lilly krug, Daniella pindea, Tony goldwyn and Remi adeleke

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Lionsgate .
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.

Added By

Kevin Phillipson

Added this item on Jan 6, 2023

Plane (2023) Reviews & Ratings (9)
11.1% (1)
55.6% (5)
33.3% (3)
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