** PREVIOUS TOP 10 PAID EDUCATION and APP WINNER Apps For All Challenge 2014 **
Positive Penguins app is a resilience-building app for all children.
The app has a simple 5-minute guided meditation for children to learn to sit, relax and let go of the thoughts as they come into their heads.
There is also a strategy for children to understand that an event or situation happened that created an emotion in them - this emotion is not right or wrong, rather information – once they understand this and can examine the thoughts or stories they are telling themselves about situations they can then challenge the stories they tell themselves and help problem solve situations.
We may not choose our initial emotional response to an event, but we do choose the thoughts and stories we tell ourselves and we do choose our behaviour. The app is designed to help children understand why they feel a certain feeling and behave in productive way.
The app has full sound and also text and ability to record responses rather than type if preferred.
There is a game mode just for some fun.
This resilience strategy is based on the idea that negative thoughts or the negative stories we tell ourselves are not wrong - but sometimes they are not true. Kids need to learn to catch the negative thinking that is stressful, challenge the thinking and if needed change their thinking to be more optimistic and less anxious.
This strategy is great for adults too.
The four positive penguins take you on an interactive journey to help you understand that feelings arise from your thinking and if you challenge your negative thoughts successfully you may be able to see things in a more realistic and even optimistic way.
See Positive Penguins on Facebook or our website for further information and resources
Images And Data Courtesy Of: HR INSIDE PTY LTD.
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