Prophetic Obedience: Ecclesiology for a Dialogical Church
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2016 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
Drawing on the documents of Vatican II (Lumen Gentium and others) as well as biblical, theological, and spiritual resources, Hinze seeks to develop a deeper understanding of what it means to foster "prophetic obedience" in a dialogical church. In the spirit of works by Johann Baptist Metz, Ignacio Ellacuria, Jon Sobrino, Dean Brackley, and Sandra Schneiders, this book advances a practical fundamental ecclesiology that combines a constructive theological argument with an argument for greater lay participation and "grassroots democracy" in the church, based on historical descriptions of church practices in history and society.
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Published by | Orbis Books (USA) |
Edition | Unknown |
ISBN | 9781626981676 |
Language | N/A |
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Orbis Books (USA).
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