Quality Management: Essential Planning for Breweries
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2015 | Business & Finance
Craft beer sales are flourishing across the U.S. and breweries are opening at a rapid rate. Without a continual emphasis on producing the highest quality beer, the health of the entire craft brewing industry is jeopardised. In other words, proper quality management for small, regional and national breweries is critical. This guidebook decodes how to create and manage a quality system in the context of the brewery environment. Written for staff who manage quality in breweries of all types and sizes -- new and established alike -- this book affords an understanding of how quality management is intertwined at all levels of the operation. Whether you are a brewmaster wearing many hats, laboratory staff, production staff or on a quality team, this book will guide you in developing a comprehensive program that will grow with your brewery, help ensure quality processes in the brewery and continue providing great beer for your fans.
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Published by | Brewers Publications |
Edition | Unknown |
ISBN | 9781938469152 |
Language | N/A |
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Brewers Publications.
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