Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Management: An International Perspective

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Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Management: An International Perspective

2015 | Business & Finance

From the early part of the 21st Century, religious tourism has seen both economic and education-sector growth on a global scale, but there is relatively limited research exploring the understanding and motivation behind tourists visitation to sacred sites. This book addresses this gap, reviewing the central role of religious tourism and its interrelationships with other aspects of pilgrimage management.This second edition provides practical applications, models and illustrations and looks at both secular and sacred spaces on a global stage. Beginning with a section devoted to the overarching concepts of globalization, sacred sites and diversity, it then reviews the motivations for tourism and experience of religious sites. The second half of the book details ten international case studies from areas such as Africa, Asia and Europe. An invaluable reference for academics, students and practitioners of tourism and religious studies, this is a timely text on the state of faith-based tourism and pilgrimage."

Published by CABI Publishing

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781780645230
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: CABI Publishing.
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