Robo Recall

2017 | Shooter


Players control Agent 34, an employee of RoboReady, a leading manufacturer of service robots. As a Recaller, it is the player's job to remove "defective" robots from circulation. After a virus causes RoboReady's products to rebel against their human masters, the Recaller must disable all defective models and find the cause of the virus.

Published by Epic Games
Developed by Epic Games

Rating Pending

Rating Pending

Not yet assigned a final ESRB rating. Appears only in advertising, marketing and promotional materials related to a physical (e.g., boxed) video game that is expected to carry an ESRB rating, and should be replaced by a game's rating once it has been assigned.

Main Image Courtesy: Epic Games.
Background Image Courtesy: Epic Games.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Epic Games.
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