Roofing Calculator helps you Estimate Steep Slope Roofs in seconds, and sell more jobs!
Estimate simple & complicated roofs, multi-section roofs, valley, dormers, tear-off, etc., and get detailed report, with all roof dimensions, and material list with prices, needed for the job.
Provide your customers with instant roof quote (Send PDF Estimate by Email), customized with their address (GPS Location), and your Company's letterhead!
Roofing Calculator is made for roofing contractors and sales people to help you quickly estimate roofing cost, roof size, and roofing materials amount and prices. This app combine most popular roofing calculators from into one easy to use and customize roof calculator for contractors.
Roofing calculator is an excellent sales and roof estimating tool for roofing sales professionals, and will greatly simplify your roof estimate process. With roofing calculator you can provide a roof quote to your customer on the spot, instead of having to go to the office.
Features include:
Fully customizable general materials prices and general settings - you can change:
- Waste factor for gable and hip roofs.
- Cost per square for materials and labor.
- Cost for each skylight and chimney flashing.
- Roof tear-off cost per layer.
- Miscellaneous materials cost.
- Many more setting.
Added in Version 2:
1) Multiple Roof Sections
2) Added Valley calculation
3) Added Dormer Calculation
4) Added Miscellaneous Expenses to main screen
5) Added Sales Tax to Roof Settings
Functionality updates:
1) Added Results save / modify / export features.
2) Added GPS location, that populated estimate address.
3) Export to Email - PDF and Plain Text
4) Full export for your own records and Roof Estimate Export to customer.
5) Added Company Profile, which will appear on Letterhead on exported PDF reports.
For every roof you can choose roof size (width and length), roof pitch, roof type (gable or hip), roofing material (each material profile can be changed individually), number of stories / floors in the house (you can charge extra for each addition level), roof difficulty, number of skylight and chimney flashings, ridge vent cut-in and installation, roof tear-off and plywood (CDX / OSB) and other roof deck replacement.
Tags: Roofing Calculator, Roof Calc, Roofing, Roofing Materials, Asphalt Shingles, Roofing Estimate, Roof Estimator, Estimate Roofing Cost, Roofing Prices, Metal Roofing, metal roof, roofing cost, construction, remodeling, home improvement, roof repair, construction calculator.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Boston Seo Consulting Inc.
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