Rotten Men (Rotten Love Duet #2)

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Rotten Men (Rotten Love Duet #2)

2019 | Romance


A sin every made man is born into.

With a branding iron, our souls are scorched into believing there is no greater virtue than our syndicate pride—we kill and bleed to keep its honor.

Yet, some might say pride comes before destruction—a haughty spirit before a fall.

I say there are far more devastating ways to push someone into the fiery pits of hell.

A lover’s betrayal cuts more deeply than any wound a knife can inflict.

When she left, we were nothing but boys; little less than your everyday thugs.

Too naive and blinded by love, to see deep into her traitorous heart.

Her departure made sure to turn us all cruel, spiteful, and vindictive.

And now, her deceitful smile returns, searching to plague us further.

She wants absolution. She craves justice.

But she is unworthy of either.

Because the boys she pretended to treasure, no longer exist.

It took one rotten girl of our past, to turn us all into the rotten men we are today.

And it’s about time she got acquainted with her creations.

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