Royal Chess: most popular puzzles

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Royal Chess: most popular puzzles

Games | Entertainment


Chess is a two-player stratefy board game and played by millions of people worldwide. Researches show that chess can rise you IQ. Do you want to master the most prestigious, the classiest game ever, while having fun? Whether you are beginner or ecperts , this classical strategy game Royal Chess will bring you unprecedented challenge and incomparable fun.

• Great graphics and exciting sound effects, outstanding AI engine with configurable difficulty level
• Play against your friends and won the game
• Game stats is clear every progress and success will be record
• Many difficulty levels(Practice -> Expert), easier for the beginners.

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Published by Surong Yang
Developed by Surong Yang
Certificate 4+
Languages English, Chinese
Compatibility iPad, iPhone, iPod

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Surong Yang.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.

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