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Something to Your Advantage

2017 | Fiction & Poetry

When Virginia Coles receives a solicitor's letter telling her there is 'something to your advantage' in her grandfather's will, she hopes that the generous legacy will ensure a happy and secure future for herself and her husband, Tony. Upon discovering Tony's infidelity Virginia flees to London, then to Wix Hill House where she meets farm manager Bill Kirby, the man she falls hopelessly in love with. Virginia finds that the path of true love is far from smooth and she must experience great joy and deep sadness before she finds the strength to turn her life around. Something To Your Advantage is a charming story of true friendships which stand the test of time set against the backdrop of life in post-war Britain.

Published by Austin Macauley Publishers

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781786123435
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Austin Macauley Publishers.
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