Stable Numerical Schemes for Incompressible Fluids, Elastic Structures and Fluid-Structure Interaction

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Stable Numerical Schemes for Incompressible Fluids, Elastic Structures and Fluid-Structure Interaction

2017 | Science & Mathematics

Stable Numerical Schemes for Incompressible Fluids, Elastic Structures and Fluid-Structure Interaction presents numerical algorithms for solving incompressible fluids, elastic structures and fluid-structure interaction. It collects some of fundamental finite element methods, but also, some new approaches. For Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations, mixed finite element method was employed. Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian framework was used for fluids in moving domain. Schemes for linear and St Venant-Kirchhoff non-linear dynamic elasticity are presented. The stability of the schemes is proved. It is self-contained document. Every chapter is supplied with numerical tests. The book is addressed to Master students in Mathematics or Mechanical Engineering.

Published by ISTE Press Ltd - Elsevier Inc

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781785482731
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: ISTE Press Ltd - Elsevier Inc.
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