Super Rude Bear Resurrection

Video Game
Super Rude Bear Resurrection

2017 | Action

PlayStation 4

Super Rude Bear Resurrection is a super tight masocore platformer that anyone can beat! Every time you die your corpse stays behind – making the game easier. As your bodies pile up, you can use them as carpets, meatshields and paperweights until the game becomes as hard as you’re comfortable with – but if you’re good enough you never have to die at all.

Rude Bear is a gangster bear from East London who’s summoned back in time to medieval England by his mortal nemesis, The Wizard, and forced to overcome challenges that are so lethal he’ll (probably) need to be resurrected hundreds of times to stand any chance of getting out.

The Rude Bear universe takes place in a fantasy British grime world, with grafitti skylines and a grime soundtrack produced by Deeco.

Published by Alex Rose
Developed by Alex Rose

Main Image Courtesy: Alex Rose.
Background Image Courtesy: Alex Rose.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Alex Rose.
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