Texts from Jane Eyre: And Other Conversations with Your Favourite Literary Characters

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Texts from Jane Eyre: And Other Conversations with Your Favourite Literary Characters

2016 | Humor & Comedy

Mallory Ortberg presents...Texts from Jane Eyre is a whimsical collection of sharp, satirical and side-splittingly funny text message conversations from your favourite literary characters. Of course if Scarlett O'Hara had an unlimited data plan, she'd be sexting Ashley Wilkes at all hours; and if Mr Rochester could text Jane Eyre, his ARDENT MISSIVES would be in ALL-CAPS; and Daisy Buchanan would text you from behind the wheel - and then text you to come pick her up after the car crash. Texts from Jane Eyre is a witty, original and very clever kind of mashup that brings your favourite authors and literary characters right into the twenty-first century. Mallory Ortberg is a genius.

Published by Little, Brown Book Group

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781472150752
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Little, Brown Book Group.
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