Thank & Grow Rich: A 30-Day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy

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Thank & Grow Rich: A 30-Day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy

2016 | Health & Fitness

Ever wonder why your thoughts easily create up-front parking spaces but don't always produce the fat wad of cash or the hot guy? Could it be you're on a different frequency? Could it be there's static in your consciousness? Abundance, love and peace are always available for the taking, but you have to get on the right frequency. And despite what you may have heard, it's not thinking that calls in miracles - it's thanking. When you're on the frequency of gratitude and joy, the universe is free to line things up, work things out, pull rabbits out of hats. When we observe the world from a place of gratitude, when we use our attention to spot beauty, to focus on possibility, we radically change our day-to-day experience. But why take someone else's word for it? The 30-day experiment in this book invites you to prove it to yourself. You'll also learn that abundance goes way beyond financial capital. An 'earnings' worksheet is provided to track your Thank & Grow Rich portfolio, which includes social, creative, adventure, alchemic and spiritual capital and comes with four personalized gifts straight from the always accommodating universe. Upgrade your life from ho-hum to Wahoo! in this exploration of energy, frequency and universal magic.

Published by Hay House UK Ltd

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781781806210
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Hay House UK Ltd.
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