Starting out as a Japanese fantasy shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Kore Yamazaki, The Ancient Magus' Bride began as a 3 part OVA in 2016/17 and moved to a full anime series in October 2017. The story follows Chise Hatori, an orphan who has the ability to see 'shadow creatures'. She is tossed between family members who don't want her because of her 'weirdness'. After stumbling upon an odd library in the middle of the woods, Chise learns that the world isn't necessarily the way it seems. Years later, Chise is sold at auction to a strange Magus called 'Elias Ainsworth', who intends to make her his apprentice...and maybe more...but what are his real intentions? And does Chise really know who she is?
The Ancient Magus' Bride is a story of love, life, death and the magic of the world. With a healthy mix of action, adventure, horror, comedy, drama and romance, you will watch as Chise evolves, one step at a time, into her true self.
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