The Fireplace and Stove Podcast

The Fireplace and Stove Podcast


Eco Fires and Stoves supply and install a vast range of log burning stoves and fireplaces with gas, electric or wood burning fires.

In this series of podcasts, you will meet the owners of the company along with other members of staff, to give you help and advice on buying and the installation of the very popular wood burning and multi-fuel stoves, plus gas and electric fires too.

We will be talking to the manufacturers of the well known wood burning stove companies and fireplace for their insights on trends in the industry. We’ll talk to them about their products and get their recommendations on which stove you should be fitted in your home.

The staff at Eco Fires have a wide experience in surveying, sales and the installation of fireplaces: having fitted hundreds in homes throughout the south of England. They will give an insight on choosing the right stove or fire for your home.

You will also meet some of the customers to, who will give an insight into why they bought a particular brand and how its all working out for them.

Publisher Sean Usher: Podcaster, Digital Marketing Specialist For Local Business
Language(s) English

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Sean Usher: Podcaster, Digital Marketing Specialist For Local Business.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.