The Great Girlfriends

The Great Girlfriends


The Great Girlfriends, co-hosted by Brandice Daniel and Sybil Amuti, is a podcast conversation series created to connect women with daily tips and solutions for living a passionate everyday life and building thriving business. Serving up conversations that matter to women, this sensational podcast ranges in topics from starting a thrilling business to forgiving double crossing friends, to building an amazing love life and MORE! Brandice and Sybil bring you candid, authentic, vulnerable conversation while also serving expertise, passion, inspiration, ambition, laughter, and solutions that can push every woman to the next level. From building businesses from the ground up, to marriage, raising kids, surviving hardships, to building friendships, Brandice and Sybil fearlessly kickstart the conversations and share every facet of their world.

Publisher Sybil Amuti & Brandice Daniel
Language(s) English

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Sybil Amuti & Brandice Daniel.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.