A pair of interwoven stories, set in the past and present, follow an ambitious journalist determined to solve the mystery of a forbidden love affair at the center of a trove of secret love letters from 1965.
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Having missed the Unlimited Screening of this I was having to endure constant enthusiasm of a certain moviegoer until I'd seen it, but even then it didn't quite stop.
When Ellie discovers a random love letter while searching the archives for assignment, it sets in motion a hunt for more letters. With each letter the mystery unfolds and Ellie's life changes with every heartfelt sentence.
This is based on a Jojo Moyes book (that as usual, I haven't read), and I believe that traditionally that means gut-wrenching feels?
A modern day love story that evolves around a love story of letters. As tales of romance go, this is a very compelling one. I understand that the film has been stripped back from the novel (as you'd expect), and from what I've heard about what's missing, it's probably done the film a favour by not getting bogged down in extra backstory.
Let's start at the beginning with Jennifer (played by Shailene Woodley). She's the perfect balance throughout the film, composed and demur, frantic and firey. And my god, I felt all of her emotions in every scene. Her performance was probably my favourite from the cast, especially when combined with Callum Turner as Anthony O'Hare.
The way the two of them interacted was compelling the whole way through, and the emotion felt so horribly real that I was bawling my eyes out. Turner's performance was understated but powerful... and it totally wrecked me.
Meanwhile, in the present, Ellie (Felicity Jones) and Rory (Nabhaan Rizwan) are discovering Jennifer and Anthony's hidden romance through letters uncovered in the archives where they work. These sections of the film gave me very strong vibes of Love Actually mixed with Last Christmas. On their own they were funny and cute moments, but I think the balance was just right. Any more of them and I'm not sure the film would have held quite the same appeal.
The historic scenes were beautiful, the settings, the costumes, absolutely stunning. It makes you nostalgic for a style that some of us have never even experienced.
As I said, I bawled my eyes out, but that wasn't how I felt all the way through. At the beginning of the film I was a little bored if I'm honest. I wasn't really getting along with what was happening, and I was a little annoyed that the first cut didn't clearly switch between past and present. But there was one point that had me sold, my heart was in my throat and the tears started... and I'm not convinced they stopped until the credits rolled.
Not my usual movie at the cinema but it was okay if you're into this type of movie I liked the two settings current and 1965 both jones and Woodley are both good in there roles. I was willing the two lovers to reunite by the end of the movie. would I watch again probably not but I would recommend anyone to go for date night
Engaging love story (at least, the one in the 60's) (2 more)
Lush production values, especially production design and cinematography
Great cast - especially Shailene Woodley and Ben Cross
Present-day love story sub-plot was superfluous (0 more)
A proper old-fashioned love story that older viewers will appreciate.
Is "chick flick" a phrase that you can use these days? I guess not, since it infers that a movie is only of interest to a particular gender. Perhaps "Sunday afternoon film" is a better phrase. And "The Last Letter From Your Lover" is a real SAF.
- "They don't make them like this any more" the saying goes. This is a love story cum melodrama that is well told by director Augustine Frizzell, in only her second feature. The film zips backwards and forwards between different time periods, trusting the audience to keep up with where we are. The dialogue is suitably soupy for a film of this type, based on a Jojo Moyes book (who wrote "Me Before You", also well-filmed). I've seen a critic review in "The Times" where they mocked the sentimentality of the love letters: but part of me would love to say "OK - let's hear what you would have written"!
- The story ticks all the boxes to keep you engaged. Although never moved to tears, a scene towards the end of the movie certainly generated a lump in the throat.
- All the leads are great. Shailene Woodley has been a personal favourite actress since her amazing turn in "The Descendants". And she certainly doesn't disappoint here.
- The production design is lush, particularly with the 60's scenes of London and the Riviera (reminiscent for me of the recent remake of "Rebecca"). This is nicely brought out by the cinematography (by George Steel), with some of the scenes being 'hang on the wall' beautiful to look at.
- It's wonderful to see the late Ben Cross in the movie, and he gives an excellent and touching performance. Cross died of cancer in August 2020 at the age of just 72. This is probably not his last movie, since he was in another - "The Devil's Light" - currently in post-production. Such a sad loss to the industry.
- The movie tries to construct a love story in the 60's and one in the present day 2020's, contrasting the different rules and values at play. The 60's one works; the 20's one really didn't for me. Ellie comes across as a very unlikeable person. The contrast between the lack of communications in the 60's (waiting at a station, not sure if someone will turn up or not) and today's chat/SMS rich 'always on' world could perhaps have been brought out more. With my Dr Bob directorial hat on, I would have ditched the present-day love story entirely and focused in on two professional detectives uncovering the past together: not everything needs to involve love and sex.
- The film has a couple of rain sequences that are highly unconvincing. One Riviera in-car scene particularly made me chuckle. "TURN FIRE HOSE ON!" You can almost see the blue sky and people cavorting on the beach behind them!
Summary Thoughts on "The Last Letter from Your Lover": There are actually few films around these days that feature love stories outside the teenage years. This is an 'old-fashioned' film that will appeal to an older age group, looking for style, romance and escapism. It reminded me in turns of movies like "The Two Faces of January" and "The Age of Adeline" in its mood and presentation. I'm probably not the target audience for this movie and I really enjoyed it. But the illustrious Mrs Movie Man probably is. And she declared that she absolutely loved it!
Ignore the sniffy newspaper and ex-newspaper critics. I'd declare this to be a "recommended".
(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies on the web, Facebook or Tiktok. Thanks.)