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The Legacy

2021 | Fiction & Poetry | Romance

A death in the family rarely brings out the best in people - even the deceased

Jonathan Coulter planned for his death meticulously, leaving nothing to chance. His will states that his three adult children must decide between them how to dispose of his estate. If they cannot come together over their inheritance, then they risk losing it.

But Liv, Noah and Chloe never agree on anything. And now, with only one weekend to overcome their rivalry, tensions begin to rise.

Why has Jonathan left the decision to them? And why has he made no mention of his new partner, Megan, or the children's mother, Eloise? If he wanted to teach them a lesson from beyond the grave, what is it? And can the siblings put their differences aside for long enough to learn it?

A powerful novel about love and loss, and what we truly pass on to our children.

Published by Corvus

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Corvus.
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The Legacy reviews from people you don't follow

Laura Doe (1350 KP) rated

Jul 1, 2021  
The Legacy
The Legacy
Caroline Bond | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Completely different from my usual books, but extremely interesting!
It follows three siblings and their father’s partner after their father has died. He leaves a will, but in it his only instructions are that the siblings have to all agree on what to do with his estate or it all gets donated to charity, the only other person that is named in the will is his carer of the last few months of his life.

What follows is a weekend of arguments, sly digs and suspicion. And when the ex wife turns up, it looks like things could get explosive between her and her ex husband’s grieving partner. The family have never taken to her, blaming her for splitting the family up.

It was very interesting seeing the family dynamics, and trying to work out the secrets that the siblings are hiding from each other and what big things have been going on in their lives that the others don’t know about.

A very interesting concept, and something that I don’t know a lot about. Definitely one that I’ll be recommending to people who want something a little different.