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2021 | Contemporary | Fiction & Poetry | Romance
Ellen and Alexa have survived hangovers, dodgy landlords and most of their twenties together. But can they survive this? One Saturday morning a flooded kitchen leads best friends Ellen and Alexa into their attic. But when Ben - Alexa's date from the night before - walks in, the handle breaks, and all are trapped. While Ellen nurses her hangover, she watches her best friend fall for this gorgeous stranger. Only to come to the horrifying realisation that she knows him from somewhere. Frantically searching her memories, Ellen wonders: is Ben really who she thinks he is? And more importantly, what on earth is she going to do about it . . . ?
Main Image Courtesy: Goodreads. Images And Data Courtesy Of: Michael Joseph. This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.
Added this item on Jun 27, 2021