The Private Side of Public Work | Exploring How to Make Cities Happier, Government More Innovative, & Science More Accessible

The Private Side of Public Work | Exploring How to Make Cities Happier, Government More Innovative, & Science More Accessible

Government & Organizations

Urban planning, government, art, architecture, design. These impact the way our cities look, the way we feel, the way we live our lives. On this show we pull back the curtain and delve into the Private Side of Public Work. We ask the uncomfortable questions that need to be brought into the open to make our cities, companies, buildings, our governments, and ultimately our lives, run better.

Publisher Ingrid Heilke: Urban planner and federal government decision scientist turned financial and business strategist ninja for the city planning and design sector
Language(s) English

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Ingrid Heilke: Urban planner and federal government decision scientist turned financial and business strategist ninja for the city planning and design sector.
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