The Religious Studies Project

The Religious Studies Project

Religion & Spirituality

The Religious Studies Project (RSP) is an international collaborative enterprise launched in January 2012, hosted by Christopher R. Cotter (University of Edinburgh, UK) and David G. Robertson (The Open University, UK), and supported by the British Association for the Study of Religions, North American Association for the Study of Religion and International Association for the History of Religions. It features a weekly interview (of around 30 minutes) with leading scholars of Religious Studies and related fields. Our aim is to provide engaging, concise and reliable accounts of the most important concepts, traditions, scholars and methodologies in the fascinating contemporary study of religion, without pushing a religious or nonreligious agenda or resorting to presenting “fact files” about “World Religions”. The Religious Studies Project is produced by The Religious Studies Project Association (SCIO), a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (charity number SC047750).

RSP material is disseminated under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. and can be distributed and utilised freely, provided full citation is given.

Publisher The Religious Studies Project
Language(s) English

Images And Data Courtesy Of: The Religious Studies Project.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.