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2010 | Children | Education | Mind, Body & Spiritual
Ambitious and wide-ranging, The Selfish Societyreveals the vital importance of understanding our early emotional lives, arguing that by focusing on the attention we give to our young children we can create a better society.
Open any newspaper,and what do you find? Violence and crime, child abuse and neglect, expenses scandals, addiction, fraud and corruption, environmental melt-down
Is Britain indeed broken? How did modern society get to this point? Who is to blame? How can we change?
We have come to inhabit a culture of selfish individualism which has confused material well-being with happiness. As society became bigger and more competitive, working life was cut off from child-rearing and the new economics ignored people's emotional needs...
Published by | Simon & Schuster |
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Simon & Schuster.
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with Fair Use.
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