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The Specialists (1969)

1969 | Western

92 mins

A chain mail-clad gunfighter contends with a pacifist sheriff, a seductive banker, a one-armed Mexican bandit, corrupt businessmen and hippies while searching for the money allegedly stolen by his lynched brother.

Produced by Sergio Corbucci
Director Sergio Corbucci
Cast Johnny Hallyday, Gastone Moschin, Françoise Fabian, Sylvie Fennec, Angela Luce, Serge Marquand, Gino Pernice, Andrés José Cruz Soublette, Gabriella Tavernese, Stefano Cattarossi, Christian Belaygue, Renato Pinciroli, Remo De Angelis, Riccardo Domenici and Mimmo Poli

Main Image Courtesy: Adelphia Compagnia Cinematografica Les Films.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Sergio Corbucci.
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The Specialists (1969) Reviews & Ratings (1)
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