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The Treasure of Hampton Beach

2021 | Mystery

A mad cap treasure hunt is on. But will whoever finds the fortune live to enjoy it?

There’s a sickness raging through Hampton Beach, an epidemic more contagious and deadly than any pandemic virus.

Gold fever.

And Dan Marlowe—along with his friends—has been bitten by the bug.

Joining the hunt for treasure are a half mad ex-Prohibition agent, an infamous Irish Boston gang leader, and other assorted thugs. Of course, the always bumbling small-time hustlers—Eddie Hoar and Derwood Doller—have to get in on the action...

Along with anyone within driving distance who can beg, borrow, or steal a shovel or metal detector.

When a treasure hunter is found beaten to death, Dan has to—once again—prove his innocence while battling his own dark demons.

Only this time the demons might win.

mystery detective Jed Power BookBuzz

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