Ugly Betty - Season 1

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Ugly Betty - Season 1

2006 | Comedy

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Network ABC
Producer(s) Salma Hayek
Cast America Ferrera, Eric Mabius, Ana Ortiz, Vanessa L. Williams, Tony Plana, Ashley Jensen, Mark Indelicato, Alan Dale, Michael Urie, Becki Newton, Kevin Sussman, Rebecca Romijn, Christopher Gorham, Judith Light, Stelio Savante, Salma Hayek, Elizabeth Penn Payne, Kevin Alejandro, Jayma Mays, Gina Gershon, Brett Cullen, Bailey Chase, Octavia Spencer, Max Greenfield, Lucy Liu, Rhys Coiro, Debi Mazar, Jowharah Jones, Cristián de la Fuente and Lucy Davis

Images And Data Courtesy Of: ABC.
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Ugly Betty - Season 1 reviews from people you don't follow

_RainAllTheTime (17 KP) rated

Sep 4, 2019  
Ugly Betty  - Season 1
Ugly Betty - Season 1
2006 | Comedy
Has Ugly Betty aged well?
Contains spoilers, click to show
Ugly Betty first came to screens in 2006 and as it was recently put on Amazon Prime I decided to re-watch it......watching it as an adult is a whole new experience.

The show does bring up important isses, such as Betty's fathers immigration issues, Christina's trouble with trying to raise funds for her husbands medical treatments, grief, feeling you don't fit in etc. Unfortunately some of the other important issues didn't age well......

For example the storyline of Alexis being transgender. The use of some of the words, the use of the wrong pronouns (at the beginning), the use of some of the phrases leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. I understand that in 2006 people weren't in much light towards those kind of issues as we are today but still, that storyline hasn't aged well.

Another example is the body shaming, again another issue which wasn't as spoken about then as it is today but another storyline that didn't age well.

All that a side, the show is still enjoyable and Betty is a very loveable and sweet character who we get to see grow and become more confident as the seasons go on