The Uncanny (1977)
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1977 | Horror
88 mins Canada United Kingdom
Anglo-Canadian anthology horror movie. A slightly unhinged writer attempts to persuade his friend of the terrible truth - cats are evil and secretly run the world for their own benefit! In true portmanteau style, he presents three stories to support his claim. Not actually part of the Amicus series of very similar films, but made by the same producer, Milton Subotsky.
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Produced by | Cinevideo |
Director | Denis Héroux |
Writer | Michel Parry |
Cast | Peter Cushing, Ray Milland, Samantha Eggar, Donald Pleasence, Susan Penhaligon, Joan Greenwood, Jean Leclerc and Roland Culver |
Main Image Courtesy: Cinevideo.
Background Image Courtesy: Cinevideo.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Cinevideo.
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