Votes for Women! The American Woman Suffrage Movement and the Nineteenth Amendment: A Reference Guide

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Votes for Women! The American Woman Suffrage Movement and the Nineteenth Amendment: A Reference Guide

2017 | Gender Studies

This book supplies a contextual narrative of the 70-year-long history of the woman suffrage movement in the United States, demonstrating how this important mass political and social movement coalesced into a politically skilled force despite class, racial, ethnic, religious, and regional barriers.

* Documents how suffragists managed to create large, politically sophisticated organizations that conducted massive campaigns without the benefit of modern technology, eventually triumphing over deeply held social conventions, religious beliefs, and strong anti-suffrage opposition * Includes primary documents that enable readers to hear the voices of the men and women fighting for and against woman suffrage * Puts the woman suffrage movement in the context of a wider struggle for universal suffrage and democracy, which was fought from the time of the American Revolution through the 20th century * Provides a readable analysis of the suffrage movement that extends far beyond the traditional focus on a handful of familiar figures, widening the scope to include the Western campaigns; addressing internal conflict over race, class, ethnic, and religious differences; and presents a more balanced interpretation of the militant suffragists * Supplies a chronology of major events, bibliography, and listing of online resources that add to understanding of the long battle and guide further exploration of the subject

Published by ABC-CLIO

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781440836701
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: ABC-CLIO.
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