WAKFU is the story of Yugo (voiced by Jules de Jongh), a 12-year-old boy with mystical powers and an even more mysterious destiny. Adopted as a baby by kindly Alibert (Matthew Gèczy), Yugo grew up helping out in his father's inn, knowing nothing of his powers or of his true identity among legendary people called Eliatropes. But when a strange monster's arrival in their town awakens his magic and Alibert divulges the message that accompanied Yugo as a baby, the boy sets off to find his real family and learn of his destiny. He's joined by his faithful bird friend, Az; the feisty Adventurer-Princess Amalia (Jessica Bell); Amalia's bodyguard, Evangelyne (de Jongh again); Alibert's faithful friend, Ruel (Hugo Chandler); and devoted Percedal (Ross Grant) and his demon sword, Rubilax (Keir Stewart). Many dangers befall the intrepid travelers, but their greatest threat comes from ruthless Nox (Arthur Bostrom), who's dependent on the life essence Wakfu for survival. As an Eliatrope, Yugo's Wakfu is abundant, making him a prime target for the parasitic villain.
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Background Image Courtesy: Netflix.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Netflix.
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