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The Wall by Pink Floyd

1979 | Rock

The eleventh studio album by the English progressive rock band Pink Floyd, conceived by lyricist and bass guitarist Roger Waters.

Label Harvest / Columbia

Track List
Empty Spaces (0 Ratings)
Goodbye Blue Sky (0 Ratings)
Hey You (0 Ratings)
In the Flesh (0 Ratings)
In the Flesh? (0 Ratings)
Mother (0 Ratings)
Nobody Home (0 Ratings)
One of My Turns (0 Ratings)
Outside the Wall (0 Ratings)
Run Like Hell (0 Ratings)
Stop (0 Ratings)
The Thin Ice (0 Ratings)
The Trial (0 Ratings)
Vera (0 Ratings)
Young Lust (0 Ratings)

Main Image Courtesy: Harvest / Columbia.
Background Image Courtesy: Harvest / Columbia.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Harvest / Columbia.
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The Wall by Pink Floyd Reviews & Ratings (23)
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8.7% (2)
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4.3% (1)
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The Wall by Pink Floyd reviews from people you don't follow

Noel Gallagher recommended (curated)

The Wall by Pink Floyd
The Wall by Pink Floyd
1979 | Rock

"When I left school, The Wall was the pothead’s album. Dark Side Of The Moon and Wish You Were Here I maybe overplayed but The Wall I could never get tired of. That track ‘Nobody Home’ just brings back so many memories for me. After leaving school, I just used to go round my mates house, skin up, and we’d listen to this. Happy, carefree days. I met Dave Gilmour once at an industry thing and I think I pissed him off. I said to him, 'Dave, I think The Wall is your best album but my wife won’t have it, she prefers listening to Meddle.' And he said, 'Well, clearly your wife has impeccable taste where you have little. I suggest you listen to her.' I was like, 'What the fuck are you talking about? She hasn’t got a clue! Get out of it…'"


Ross (3284 KP) rated

Jun 29, 2020  
The Wall by Pink Floyd
The Wall by Pink Floyd
1979 | Rock
Rolling Stone's 87th greatest album of all time
As I've said before I don't really get concept albums and find I neither grasp the underlying concept nor do I tend to like the songs. I find the lyrics and music often locked in battle and neither truly wins.
The three parts of Another Brick in the Wall are superb, but I could have lived without most of the rest of the album. I realise this is a failing on my part more than theirs.

ScoobyGoo (155 KP) rated

Aug 19, 2017  
The Wall by Pink Floyd
The Wall by Pink Floyd
1979 | Rock
Veritable feast of music excellence. (1 more)
This has become an icon, not just for Pink Floyd, but for music generally.

Grinch (194 KP) rated

Aug 16, 2017  
The Wall by Pink Floyd
The Wall by Pink Floyd
1979 | Rock
Iconic! (2 more)
Will stand the test of time as 'one of those musical journeys' that we all wanted to be part of.