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2013 | Action/Adventure | Massively Multiplayer


Warframe is a free to play cooperative third person shooter science fiction game. Players control members of the Tenno an ancient race of warriors who have woken from cryosleep finding themselves at war with different factions.

Published by Digital Extremes
Developed by Digital Extremes

Shooter adventure science fiction


Content is generally suitable for ages 17 and up. May contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.

Main Image Courtesy: Digital Extremes.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Digital Extremes.
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Added this item on Aug 29, 2017

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Warframe reviews from people you don't follow

Mothergamer (1552 KP) rated

Aug 29, 2017  
2013 | Action/Adventure, Massively Multiplayer
Battle system (1 more)
Variety of warframes to choose from
No cross platforming (0 more)
Fun Free To Play MMORPG
A friend suggested this to me since I like games like Phantasy Star Online. It's free to play so I thought it wouldn't hurt to check it out. I like it a lot. There are three different warframes to choose from when you start out, with their own unique abilities. There's a tank one, a crowd control damage dealer, and one that is like a mage. I went with the Mag; the crowd control warframe. I had so much fun doing missions with friends and fighting enemies. It's fast paced and the battles are great. You can also upgrade your warframe and build other warframes from items you find during missions. You can also upgrade your weapons and abilities. I started playing this on PC and really liked it. You can also play on PS4 and XboxOne which is cool. There is no cross platforming however, which is a little disappointing. I just spend time playing on PC with my friends there and then on PS4 with my friends there. The game is a lot of fun and playing with friends makes it better.

Mothergamer (1552 KP) rated

Apr 3, 2019  
2013 | Action/Adventure, Massively Multiplayer
A friend of mine suggested that I check out the game Warframe. They thought I would like it since I like games like Phantasy Star Online and Mass Effect. Warframe is a free to play co-operative third person shooter game. It's a science fiction futuristic role playing game. You can play Warframe on the PC, Xbox One, or the Playstation 4. Unfortunately there is no cross platform play with this, but at least you have a choice about which one you want to play on.

You play as a member of the Tenno, a race of ancient warriors who have awoken from cryosleep and find themselves at war with a race known as the Grineer who appear to be human clones with metal mods and the Corpus a corporation with robots and laser technology. I found that concept pretty intriguing and decided to check it out on my computer.

There are three starter warframes to choose from; Mag, Volt, and Excalibur. I decided to go with Mag and started my adventure in Warframe and named her Pirotess Dragontamer like my Final Fantasy XIV character. The introductory tutorial is quite helpful which gave me a chance to get used to the battle controls. I also liked that you can change the colors of your warframe and customize it to your tastes.

My Mag warframe is pretty cool.

There are so many missions you can do on each planet ranging from rescue missions to spy missions. You can do these missions solo, but it's definitely easier to do them with friends. The max number of people on a team is four and it does make a mission go a lot faster when you have a full team. Finding a team is fairly easy as you can make your match settings public and the game will match you with people who are doing the same mission.

Pirotess doing a mission with her friends.

I'm glad I tried Warframe out because I love it. It's a lot of fun to play and the story is very interesting. The graphics for the game look great and the voice acting and music is really good as well. It's hard to believe it's a free to play online game because there is so much content and so many great areas to explore.

You can also do crafting in the game and it isn't boring. In many of the missions you get blueprints for weapons and different warframes which you can build in your ship. Level grinding is not boring at all because of the variety of the missions. You also have solo missions for ranking up your warframe. The max level for a warframe is 30 and you can level up your weapons and pets as well.

Pirotess on her Frost warframe.

My husband Ron plays Warframe with me as well and he's really enjoying it also. It's a lot of fun playing the game together and with our friends. Having a good clan helps too because they can help you get missions done as well as helping with getting blueprints and items you need for crafting and modding equipment.

I'm also looking forward to the new expansion for the game, Plains of Eidolon because it looks fantastic and there's going to be even more things added including a new warframe. Warframe is so much fun and I love just exploring and doing all the events and missions with everyone. It's fast paced and fits in my wheel house for sci-fi space games. Now, I'm off to explore more of the galaxy!