We Never Got to Cornwall: The True Story of a Secret Cancer Sufferer

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We Never Got to Cornwall: The True Story of a Secret Cancer Sufferer

2016 | Biography

What do you do when a loved one suddenly dies? I guess you have no idea - see a solicitor? It's not easy; you're in a vulnerable situation. This is not only a true story of LOVE, lots of LUCK and ending in SADNESS, but a lesson for all those in a similar traumatic situation. A story that describes a cancer journey and all the trials and tribulations that follow - the type of information that is difficult to establish. It was written with the sole purpose to inform anyone confronted with sudden death. It is concluded with lessons learnt in my lifetime. If it helps one person it has been well worth the effort.

Published by Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781786237309
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.

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