WeatherMap Browser Japan is an application that allows you to access weather maps provied by Japanese the Meteorological Agency. This application chaces the all charts to open the maps at off-line time.
You can see 19 charts in the pocket any time.
You can see folowing weather maps
- Latest weather map(SPAS)
- 24h forecast weather map(FSAS24)
- 48h forecast weather map(FSAS48)
- Asia weather map(ASAS)
- 500hPa Analysis Upper charts(AUAS50)
- 700hPa Analysis Upper charts(AUAS70)
- 850hPa Analysis Upper charts(AUAS85)
- 850hPa Asia Forecast Miscellaneous charts(FXAS50)
- 500/700hPa Far East Analysis Uppe charts (AUFE/AXFE)
- 500hPa Far East Forecast Upper charts (FUFE)
- Analysis Ocean Wave Japan(AWJP)
- Analysis Ocean Wave Asia(AWPN)
- Forecast Ocean Wave Japan(FWJP)
- Forecast Ocean Wave Asia(FWPN)
- Tropical Cyclone Info
- Stellite Imagery (Infrared Japan Area)
- Stellite Imagery (Visible Japan Area)
- Stellite Imagery (WaterVapor Japan Area)
You can paint to chart and save to iphone or send to twitter.