Wiki Offline Dictionary Wikipedia Editionis a dictionary created using definitions from over 3.8 millions Wikipedia™ articles
Find the meaning of acronyms, famous figures, scientific terms, films, music, geographical locations and more, instantly, and wherever you are
- Over 3.8 millions unique definitions
- Process redirects in a similar way to the online Wikipedia, for example, if you searched for “Obama” the app will redirect you to “Barrack Obama” article, making it easier for you to find what you are looking for
- Browse through other terms inside definitions:- Like in Wikipedia, each article contains links to other articles that you can click to get to them, Wiki Offline Dictionary Wikipedia Edition offers the same feature, along with back & forward buttons to go back & forth between the terms
- Fully offline, all the definitions will be stored on your device, so you won’t need to connect to the Internet to use the app
- You can create favorites list of the terms you like for later reading
- You can also access the full article online in case you want to read further into the term you are researching
Download Wiki Offline Dictionary Wikipedia Edition now and get to know more about everything :)
Important Notice: - WIKIPEDIA is a trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation. We are not endorsed by or affiliated with the Wikimedia Foundation. Please also note that no proceeds of this app are donated to the Wikimedia Foundation.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Mohannad Daghistany.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance
with Fair Use.