The Wisdom of the One Heart: Words of Light and Inspiration

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The Wisdom of the One Heart: Words of Light and Inspiration

2012 | Fiction & Poetry

A collection of writings to touch you deeply and gladden your heart, lead you to a knowing and an experience of unconditional love for yourself and others. It may move you to tears and also raise you up. It will touch your heart and make you smile as well as give you much to ponder on. It can be used in meditations and to inspire affirmations. Or simply be read to help and heal those in need; restore peace, hope and love again where it is lost. Easy to read, there are variations from the humourous and witty, story telling, the psychological, the lyrical, the deeply spiritual, the short and the long. As it explores the mystery of love...

Published by Live It Publishing

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781906954499
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Live It Publishing.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.

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