Your Horse's Feet
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2002 | Medical & Veterinary
For want of a nail the shoe was lost For want of a shoe the horse was lost For want of a horse the rider was lost For want of a rider the battle was lost For want of a battle the kingdom was lost And all for the want of a horseshoe nail. The book deals with what is arguably the most important area of horse healthcare - the maintenance of healthy feet. Lameness is the biggest single cause of suffering and layoff for the horse, and 90 per cent of lameness is connected with problems in the foot. Contents include: Structure and Function * Conformation and Foot Balance * Maintenance of a Healthy Foot * Common Problems and Diseases * Special Purpose, Corrective and Surgical Shoeing * Remedial Shoes * The Farriers' Registration Acts * Training * Tools * Feeding for Health * Looking After Your Farrier
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Published by | The Crowood Press Ltd |
Edition | Unknown |
ISBN | 9780851318288 |
Language | N/A |
Images And Data Courtesy Of: The Crowood Press Ltd.
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