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    Tabletop Game

    Set in ancient Rome, Trajan is a development game in which players try to increase their influence...


Beth Ditto recommended Singles Going Steady by Buzzcocks in Music (curated)

Singles Going Steady by Buzzcocks
Singles Going Steady by Buzzcocks
1979 | Punk
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Look, I'm a hits only person. When I go see a show, I don't want filler. Unless you're Sonic Youth or Tori Amos, I don't want your B-sides. Hits only. It's so self-indulgent. I picked Buzzcocks Singles Going Steady because I like that it's a little campy and gay. And the harmonies are good. It's that simple. I think with music sometimes it is that simple. It was pop punk, not pop punk as it is now, but it was poppy. I got into punk late because what I thought punk was did not appeal to me at all. I was like I couldn't care less about [whispers conspiratorially] Sex Pistols. But Buzzcocks, Gang Of Four, Wire, that's my jam. Melodic and smart and put together and catchy and the rest of it? I don't care. It's self-indulgent, like you say you don't care what we think of you but, yes you do. Singles Going Steady doesn't take itself too seriously, and it's gay. It's so gay. I think it's cool to think about being gay in the punk scene, I don't think it could have been too easy but to me that's ultimately not giving a fuck. It must be easy to be some straight, white dude and be anti-establishment. Well you're part of the problem, get out of here. You're anti what? What are you talking about? We were so lucky to come along in the 90s, because it was really a turning point for pop culture. Look at Riot Grrl, it made punk a safer place for women, and then Queercore came along and made it a safer place for queers. I think, there is a refuge in punk rock now, but that's the thing why I think the Buzzcocks was more punk than punk, because I don't necessarily think there was a refuge then. I think it probably felt pretty lonely, because you weren't disco, you weren't pop, that's where queer culture, or the gay scene really was, and to be a punk then? I don't think you could seek refuge in that. "

Black Mirror - Season 5
Black Mirror - Season 5
2019 | Drama, Sci-Fi
Not up to it’s usual high standard
Black Mirror is known for having a dark and futuristic take on modern society, and this is why it has always succeeded. It’s bleak and harrowing at times and whilst it’s not a happy programme to watch, it’s bloody good. The problem with series 5 is that it feels like an entirely different show, and not for the better.

Whilst each episode has it’s own take on modern society and technology (VR, social media and musical pop culture), none of this felt particularly new or unique. Don’t get me wrong, the episodes aren’t bad at all. But they’re just not brilliant. There are good performances (Andrew Scott especially) and the storylines are vaguely interesting, they just don’t get pushed far enough into the dark and bleak Black Mirror world we’re used to. Not only that, but none of these stories have particularly bad endings. It all just feels a little bit meh and after the rather wonderful Bandersnatch, I’d been looking forward to another great season. Sadly, it’s been a bit of a letdown. I’m really hoping that this is just a blip and that the next series is back on form, and not a sign that Black Mirror has run out of decent ideas...
Connilyn Cossette continues to bring a refreshing voice to Biblical Fiction. Expanding the horizons and bringing us thrilling and captivating stories to satisfy this nerd girl's heart.

I absolutely love discovering what life was like in ancient times. Cossette brings the lives of these people and their cultures to life in ways that will astound you. Sofea grew up in an isolated culture. Throughout this story, she is on a journey to learn who this God of the Hebrews is. His gentleness, His kindness, His love for His children. Eitan is a swoony hero in all his long-haired, bearded manliness...A protector and a fighter. Don't you dare come between him and those he loves...You will regret it. I loved watching their romance unfold. With two cultures clashing, you can imagine that it wasn't all smooth. But the results were definitely worth it.

I highly recommend Connilynn's stories (yes, all of them). She opens the history books for us in a way that is unique and compelling. I can not get enough of her stories, and neither will you!

I received a complimentary copy of Shelter of the Most High from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.