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Merissa (12173 KP) created a post

Sep 21, 2021  
We have a bumper edition of our #newsletter for your delight - new releases, audiobooks, sales, and a #giveaway. It's all here, so take a look and see what calls to you.

Merissa (12173 KP) created a post

Nov 26, 2021  
"Holy fluff!"

Smith's Corner: Layla & Levi (The Heartwood Series #2) by Jayne Paton - @Archaeolibrary, @hotchoc84, @JPSayle69, #Contemporary, #RomCom, #Romance, 5 out of 5 (exceptional)
Masking for Trouble (Costume Shop Mystery, #2)
Masking for Trouble (Costume Shop Mystery, #2)
Diane Vallere | 2016 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think it would be great to live in a town that loves costume parties and Halloween this much! Margo is such a quirky character – whether she is working in her family’s costume shop or just running errands, she’s always in costume. When a business man interested in developing the small town into something more modern and profitable threatens to run Margo’s shop out of business, she is understandably angry. When she finds his dead body at a Halloween party she wasn’t invited to, she becomes the prime suspect. Rather than trust the police to find the real killer, Margo decides to investigate on her own. This was a unique story, and a perfect read for this time of year.

<i>NOTE: I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review – all opinions expressed are my own.</i>
Lethal Weapon (1987)
Lethal Weapon (1987)
1987 | Action, Drama
I'm Too Old For This Shit
Lethal Weapon- is a classic late 80's action flick. This, Die Hard, Terminator, Rambo, all came out in the 80's. Anethor action franchise, that came out and started in the 80's. Catchy one liners, good action, good comedy, good adventure, and of course good actors.

The plot: Following the death of his wife, Los Angeles police detective Martin Riggs (Mel Gibson) becomes reckless and suicidal. When he is reassigned and partnered with Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover), Riggs immediately clashes with the older officer. Together they uncover a massive drug-trafficking ring. As they encounter increasingly dangerous situations, Riggs and Murtaugh begin to form a bond. Riggs' volatile behavior might just help them apprehend the criminals -- if it doesn't kill them both first.

What a good way to start off a franchise, hopefully the other ones are good too.
    Televízia TA3

    Televízia TA3


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Clan of the Jersey Boys (Fangsters #1)
Clan of the Jersey Boys (Fangsters #1)
Ryan Field | 2013
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

I hate DNF’s. I always feel bad for not finishing them but sometimes I just cant get into a story. I stopped at 38%.

Right. Well, I expected this to be better–that sounds bad I know–but I was expecting them to be these tough vampires who kicked arse while running an illegal empire. In a way it was, but it didn’t seem bad-arse enough for me. Sure there were a few scenes with retribution/warnings handed out to people but I didn’t feel it.

Another thing that got me was all the mention of family and it’s many members. Yeah I know families are important in Italian/Sicilian cultures but more people kept getting mentioned and I found myself getting confused. What with Anton and someone else being turned by one person and his dad and uncle turned by someone else and this guy turned by the brother of that guy making them cousins…I got lost. It was a little too much for me to keep up with.

The relationship between Anton and Leo happened a little too fast for me to believe. Not the sex–he’s an attractive guy after all–but the “love you’s” and how strong their feelings were after the one night they spent together. Or maybe I just missed something?

It’s not a bad story, it was just a little different to what I normally read; the mobster/gangster bit anyway. If you like vampires, mobsters and m/m stories then you will probably like this.