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    Black Taj

    Black Taj

    Mohini Kent

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    A tale of the cruelties that took place during the 1947 partition of India, "Black Taj" is a tragic...

(Un)like a Virgin
(Un)like a Virgin
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not a huge fan of chick-lit at all. I prefer something a little more exciting than just following a woman around in her daily life.
That's not to say I didn't like this, because it was okay.
I have this thing where covers attract me to books and come on! It's a really fun, funky cover. But as I mentioned above chick-lit is not one of my favourite genre's. In fact, this was a DNF after 111 pages out of 400 and odd, though I did skim through the pages and what I thought would happen, didn't.
I still liked Gracie and I'm sure that if I could have brought myself to pick it back up and continue that I may have liked it. But from the 100 or so pages I read it was okay.