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    Fantasy Feast: 'Eatin

    Fantasy Feast: 'Eatin

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    Former NFL player Ross Tucker (@RossTuckerNFL) is joined by Evan Silva (@EvanSilva), a senior NFL &...

Interstellar (2014)
Interstellar (2014)
2014 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

"Such a hard stance to take something really complex, turn it into a metaphor, and translate it with light and sound in two hours . [Christopher Nolan]’s just so damned good. I was dancing around the room all, “No he didn’t!” when I saw that movie [laughing]."

Don't You Ever Get Tired (Of Hurting Me) by Bettye Swann
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Album Favorite

"Bettye's voice is like an organ that acts as a huge percussive instrument. It feels like you are next to her on a pillow. On [2012's] Half Way Home, I tried that with different songs. It doesn't work for everything, but it's definitely an interesting approach"
