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Merissa (11950 KP) created a post

Mar 11, 2024  
"It is quite dark in some places but I do feel that it is needed." - @Debbiereadsbook

Witch's Knight (The Bloodline Chronicles #1) by Evelyn Silver - #Adult, #LGBTQ+, #Paranormal, #Romance, 4 out of 5 (very good)
My Sister's Bones
My Sister's Bones
Nuala Ellwood | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also read my review here:


<b>Trigger warnings are noted in the first paragraph.</b>

<b><i>We’re all of us, every day, just a hairbreadth away from evil. If I’ve learnt anything from fifteen years of reporting, it’s that. But I couldn’t expect these people to understand.</b></i>

This is a really heavy read as it deals with some really dark and depressing subjects, <b>such as the war and refugees in Syria, domestic & child abuse, rape, death, mental illness, alcoholism and miscarriages.</b> Don’t read this if you’re having a low period in your life because this is not going to make you feel any better, throughout it’s a rather distressing and upsetting story.

Each character in this novel was well developed, no matter how small a part they played in the plot. Ellwood has done a fantastic job with her research into PTSD as Kate’s fears and anxieties seem so real to the reader. Though I’ve never experienced anything even close to PTSD, I can really imagine how terrifying and disturbing it would be, from reading this book. It’s definitely the best and most harrowing description of the condition I’ve ever read in a fiction novel.

This was a really well presented novel and I’m amazed that it’s a debut! It was excellently written and thought out. My only issue being that sometimes, the timings in this book felt a little off. When Kate and Paul were together, one minute they'd be serving dinner and the next, after a small 5 lined conversation, it would be midnight and time for Paul to leave and Kate to get into bed. It seemed like large chunks of the day would just disappear.

Maybe I shouldn’t have read some other people’s reviews on this beforehand, but because I was expecting all these super duper amazing twists, I kind of didn’t feel that they were super duper amazing. I also found some of them to be a little far fetched and silly, rather than surprising.

I can definitely see why this has gained so many 5 star ratings, but it’s all down to personal preference at the end of the day, and this one was just a little too dark for my liking. That's not to say I didn't like this...I enjoyed this a lot, hence the 4 stars. I found myself not wanting to put it down, even when my eyes were telling me it was definitely time for sleep. It was certainly a thrilling and page turning read, but I don’t know if I could recommend this to anyone because of all the dark subject matters. It seems like the sort of book some people are going to love for it’s dark realism and others are going to hate that and find it too distressing to read.

Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin Books UK for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.
The Mayfly (Charlie Priest #1)
The Mayfly (Charlie Priest #1)
James Hazel | 2017 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
There was something about The Mayfly that attracted me, even though it doesn’t really fit in with my tastes. I don’t like books where the main character is “ex-police turned lawyer/journalist/PI” etc, but the fact that this was to do with a secret society and it drew in links back from history made me too intrigued to not request it.

Charlie Priest is our main character, he’s a successful lawyer, after being a successful Detective Inspector and he’s troubled (like they always are). Priest’s brother is a serial killer and he has dissociative disorder, but despite this, he’s stellar at his job and he’s a bit of a laugh. Priest certainly is an interesting and likable character, so no doubt I will check out the next in this series, just to revisit his character.

In terms of the plot, you can tell this was really well researched. The plot, as a whole, is pretty unique, and the ties to WWII and the Nazis was definitely the reason I picked this one up, so I felt a little let down that there weren’t that many flashbacks to that era and there wasn’t an awful lot of explanation as to how and why the secret society was born. Don’t me wrong, it doesn’t just leave you up in the air, it does explain, but it could have been developed and done better.

There is no doubt that this book is fast paced and keeps you on your toes. The first half of the novel, I flew through. The second half of the book then pulls in some romance and things begin to get a little cheesy. From the feelings felt by the characters, to conversations, there were a couple of eye-roll moments, but it wasn’t all that bad.

While I thought the plot, the crimes, the victims and all the rest, was good, it did get a little confusing at times. There were so many paths being drawn into this one investigation that I got a little lost at some points, and for this reason, guessing the “bad guy” can be tricky… but really, it’s very easy.

Overall, this was an enjoyable book. If the romance parts were removed, this could have been a 5 star read for me, because that would have taken away all the cheese. This is a good 4 star read for me, and like I said, I will definitely look into the next book in this series.

<i>Thanks to Reader’s First & Bonnier Zaffre for sending me an ARC copy of this book. And also to Netgalley for my eARC copy.
When thirteen-year-old Savannah Hopkins doesn’t come straight home from school, as she always does, her mother Jane immediately raises the alarm.
Leading the investigation is Detective Natalie Ward whose daughter Leigh is the same age as Savannah. Soon Natalie’s worst fears are confirmed when the teenager’s broken body is found in nearby shrubland.
Evidence points towards a local recluse, but just as the net is closing around him, one of Savannah’s friends, Harriet, is reported missing.
As Natalie delves into the lives of both girls, she soon discovers a sinister video on their phones, daring the girls to disappear from their families for 48 hours.
But Natalie isn’t quick enough for this killer, and she is devastated to find Harriet’s body on a fly tip a day later.
Caught up in the case, she takes her eye off her own daughter and when Leigh goes missing after school she knows she must be in terrible danger. The clock is ticking for Natalie. Can she catch this killer before her little girl becomes the next victim?

This is the third book in Carol Wyer’s British 'Detective Natalie Ward' series.
‘The Dare’ opens with the disappearance of thirteen year-old Savannah Hopkins. She recently moved to this new town with her mother Jane. Savannah simply doesn’t return home after school one day. The next day her body is found, and the thriller is off and running. Other seemingly random teen-aged girls disappear after Savannah. Detective Ward and her team is frustratingly one step behind the killer as the body count increases. But it’s certainly not for lack of trying on their part.
The plot, as always, was plausible, as we don’t always know what our children are doing when not at home. We don’t know what they are doing on their mobile devices, or who their friends are. It is a scary time for parents. Carol Wyer incorporated those fears into this book, and she did a great job!
I liked the additional perspective of the killer occasionally being thrown in. Definitely made it interesting to know his thoughts.
I highly recommend this book, I can't wait for book 4..

Thank-You’ to NetGalley; the publisher, Bookouture; and the author, Carol Wyer; for providing a free e-ARC copy of this book.
Dare to Surrender
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had no idea what I was expecting when I was picked up this book. I was fascinated by it from the very beginning. The description states that the plotline consists of Joy, an art curator who becomes sexually infatuated with erotic photographer Ash Hunter. From the beginning, the two have such sexual frustration between each other, that you can chew it. It’s so convenient that Joy needs Ash’s work for her gallery, which constantly throws the two together. The novel also follows Joy’s best friend Erica, who is a culinary student, and her evolving relationship with a fellow student named Blaine.

I loved everything to do with this novel. It was the first erotic novel that I ever felt connected to. There were so many parallels between it in my own life that I found myself more emtionally involved with it than I should have been. First, Joy is an art curator while I am an art student trying to earn a degree to be an art curator. Erica, Joy’s best friend, is an culinary student, and my best friend is months from graduating from culinary school. One of the main themes of the novel is Joy’s lack of confidence in her appearance. Joy is one of those woman who can’t stand her extra pounds. She sees herself as unattractive just because she is not as skinny as her grandmother tells her she should be. In fact, I wanted to strangle Joy’s obnoxious grandmother who downed Joy in every way possible.

Even if I hadn’t connected with this book, I still would have loved it. The erotic scenes were hot and tastefully done. I could have done without the dirty dialogue, however. Dirty talk and foul language always sound awkward when read. It may be attractive in the bedroom, but not in my literature. Other than that, they were phenomenal. Especially the ones between Erica and Blaine. Besides that, I felt the characters had real depth to them and were actually interesting.
The only disappointment I had with this book was the lack of Erica and Blaine. I wish there had been more scenes with them or that they had their own story. It would have definitely been worth it.
But I Don’t Want A Haircut by Bobbie Taylor & Jenny Kreoska is a great book to get before a child’s first haircut. According to the section about the authors, this book was written by two hairdressers. These two specialize in children’s haircuts making them (and this book by extenuation) a viable resource for parents of a scared child.

Joey’s hair has gotten so long that he can’t see and his parents decide it is time for a haircut. Unfortunately, Joey is afraid of the hairdresser and doesn't want to go. He voices his concerns about things like the hairdresser having sharp teeth and claws. Joey’s parents reassure him that he has nothing to worry about and that the hairdresser will be careful. Once they get to the salon Joey decides it doesn't look that bad and that the hairdresser looks nice. She even sits on the floor with him to brush his hair and offers to use an electric razor when the scissors scare him. By the time everything is done Joey is happy, relaxed, and looking forward to his next haircut.

I love how this book acknowledges Joey’s fears about the hairdresser without acting like the fears are silly. Joey is reassured that there is nothing to worry about and is able to relax thanks to the approach used. What I did not like was that while the idea behind this book is great unless you have a children’s salon nearby the book might give children false expectations. Parents/caregivers will need to be sure to still discuss what to expect from the salon they will actually be going to.

This book is designed to reassure children going in for a haircut who are scared. Parents can read this to their children but it is simple enough that a child should be able to read this short book on their own. I rate this book 3 out of 4. This is because this is a very cute book and although I would love to give it a perfect score I can not. The rhymes did not flow very well in a few places (although I doubt a child would care) and the warning I gave in my least favorite part. I still want to emphasize that this book is a great resource.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Indecent/Wicked in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was not expecting this omnibus to be as great as it was. When I requested it, I thought it was just going to be another run of the mill erotic novel. And while there really wasn’t anything special about it, I still love it more than I should.

First, I loved the complication of the characters. They each have their story, their dirty little secrets, and what makes them tick. There was nothing glamorous or fairytale like to this story. It showed the ugly side of the relationships along with the good, which was usually the sex. The erotic scenes were pretty spicy, but nothing fantastic. I was reading it more for the story than the erotic factor.

The first story has to do with Lucky and Colin. Lucky has her own inner demons and a past that has messed with her perception of men. Colin is a psychologist who seem to can’t turn it off when interacting with Lucky who doesn’t want him digging in her brain. It was interesting to see how their relationship developed and how they dealt with each other’s faults.

The second story concerns Lucky’s co-worker and friends Renae and Colin’s best friend Will. Will thinks Renae is a lesbian which is was initially stopped him from chasing her tail. Currently, he is courting someone else, but when Renae makes the first move, Will is certainly not passing up the chance. Will and Renae’s relationship is less complicated than Colin and Lucky’s, but that still doesn’t mean they don’t have their issues to work through.

This novel was so realistic to me in terms of relationships, the troubles that come with them, and how the couple works through them. It was something refreshingly new, especially since, while they didn’t get the happy endings we normal expect from such novels, everything still worked out in the end.
The Geek&#039;s Guide to Unrequited Love
The Geek's Guide to Unrequited Love
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Geek’s Guide to Unrequited Love is a fandom-lovers dream, minus the unrequited love. The story takes place predominantly at New York Comic Con, the second largest convention of pop culture fanatics (myself included) in the United States. You can tell that the author is either very familiar with the area from personal experience, or questioned a con-goer to get every detail. She mentions things like the cell service being spotty in the Artist’s Alley (it is) and the atmosphere you experience on the way to the Con. It’s so fascinating to be walking the streets for a while when suddenly you notice a Spider-Man strolling out of a bakery, not too long after a group of wizards turn the corner and before you know it you’re surrounded by a horde of enthusiastic, frequently costumed, nerds, geeks and fans of all ages outside the Javitt’s Center, where NYCC is held.

The atmosphere was authentic and made me feel like I was attending the Con as well, although that may be in part because I’ve attended NYCC before I do believe that any reader will feel just as immersed. The world was the most enjoyable part of the book, as the characters were not as developed as they could have been. There were moments of clarity where you saw more into their motivations, but overall they weren’t memorable characters. That’s not to say there was anything wrong with them, they just didn’t affect me as a reader.

It was an easy, enjoyable contemporary read that I think is perfect for young adult/teen readers who are fans of something and enjoy books that they can relate to on that level. You don’t have to be a comic book or superhero fan to enjoy Comic Con, it is a refuge and a consolidation of all fandoms. If you love something, you will find something you can relate to at Comic Con and in this book.
Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
6.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
80's Classic
It's back to the 80's again with Desperately Seeking Susan, a fun film fit for its time. The movie isn't perfect. In fact it breaks one of my Cardinal Sins of Film: Inserting parts for the sake of advancing the plot. In all thing's 80's, however, you have to remember the one rule of thumb: Fun is the word. It can be cheesy, it can be unbelievable, but the audience must have fun. It's hard to hate a film that makes fun its primary goal. Probably a good reason why the 80's and I have gotten along really well so far in my Movie-a-Day quest for 2018.

Roberta Glass (Rosanna Arquette), bored with her life, starts to get obsessive over the personal ads (remember those?) and begins to follow Susan (Madonna) around to live through her. After a bump on the head, Roberta thinks she is Susan and reinvigorates herself with a new life. Roberta is the source of a number of my favorite films throughout the film. She's trying to find her way without being too crazy in the process. One of my favorite scenes involves her hilarious magic act she gets throw into as a stand-in. This, for me, turned the tides from the film being "just ok" to "memorable 80's classic".

I say that because the film gets off to a very slow start. I spent the first fifteen minutes trying to understand what the connection was going to be between Roberta and Susan. I imagine a trailer would have told me everything I needed to know, but I'm judging the film purely off of what happened from start to finish.

Desperately Seeking Susan is a pretty fun comedy-mystery film despite there being a lack of real stakes. You never really worry about the characters' safety and that's fine. If you can give in to the ridiculousness of the movie as a whole, it's really quite fun. I'm giving it an 82.