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    Russ Bray Darts Scorer

    Russ Bray Darts Scorer

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Deliciously Sinful
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wait….it’s over? Where are the amazing chapter long sex scenes that make even me blush? Where is all the scenes detailed down what underwear she is wearing? I love me some Lilli Feisty but this novel just lacked the fire and erotica that the other two did.

One of the reasons Lilli Feisty is my favorite is because she writes erotica that’s outside the norm (considering they classify her novels as just romance instead of erotica.) Very rarely have I run across a book in the romance section and pull one out that has tasteful bondage in it. Feisty does it like it’s second nature. In this book, however, we only are given some steamy foreplay and two very short sex scenes. It was greatly disappointing especially since I have been waiting for it so long.

Despite that, I still cannot give it anything less 5 stars because there is not a single thing I can find wrong with it. I did not get my delicious sex scenes, though what I was given was just as tasteful and…well hot, but it still had everything that made it a great novel. I love the characters far too much for my own good. They are so 3D that it’s hard to believe that are just characters in a book. Not to mention they had me laughing the entire time with their banter.

If you’re looking for a novel the same as her first two, you might be disappointed by the lack of erotica.However, the story line and characters make up for it.
Society & Culture
8.5 (21 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
The pacing, the editing, the music, the writing , the story, the "characters", the meesage (0 more)
Prepare to laugh and cry at this real life mystery unveil in real time....
I can't think of any other podcast like S-Town, but after I binged the entire first season on it's release date, I expected to find a plethora of the type in the next few months on account of it's success. But unlike Serial - a true crime podcast that broke the internet and introduced 90% of the world to our amazing little corner - S-Town is hard to even identify it's genre , let alone duplicate something that's good because it is unique , so to my dismay, I still hold S-TOWN up there as my top 5 and am always on the lookout for the next diamond in the rough.

Unfortunately, telling you too much of any of this podcast is not fair because you deserve the chance to listen with unabashed views or predetermined ideas so you too will have no idea of what's coming...that's the best way to go into this one!

Oh, since I didn't tell you ABYTHJNG about it, just know that of all the podcasts I've tried to get my husband to listen all the way thru to - this, S-TOWN, was the only one he's ever listened to from the first to last episode. And he is hard to entertain with podcasts or audiobooks , so if he was asking me to "play the next one" after the first, you're sure to enjoy it just as much as we did. And that's all ya need to know!
    Fortuna Stávky

    Fortuna Stávky

    Sports and Games

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Hazel (2934 KP) rated Die of Shame in Books

Jan 12, 2018  
Die of Shame
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am a huge Mark Billingham fan and am at the front of the queue when a new book comes out so it is with massive regret that I have to say that this one just didn’t grab me by the neck like his other books have - you have no idea how upset this makes me feel. It’s not that it is a bad book - it’s well written, has interesting characters and a good story line - but I found myself being rather indifferent about reading it and it took me a little longer than it normally does to read it when I compare it to others written by the same author.

Review at <a href="">Reading Stuff 'n' Things</a>
Despite being the second in a series, The Trouble with Mistletoe is a standalone that can be enjoyed without reading the first.

I have never read from this author before, but I enjoyed her easy light hearted style. From page one, I knew I was going to enjoy the author’s humor as well as characters. From the beginning, it was hard not to like Willa. She is sweet, kind-hearted, and funny at no one’s expense. Keane was just as likable. Despite their troubles and pasts, there was a delightful lack of angst and self-loathing. A definite win in my opinion.

Just in time for the beginning of the holiday season, The Trouble with Mistletoe is lovely read for those wanting a sweet, not too complicated romance.