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Post Mortem, Parish Mail #2
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having reviewed <a href="">Dead Letter Office</a>, the first of the Parish Mail series, I was contacted by Coliloquy to honestly review [a:Kira Snyder|5447353|Kira Snyder|]'s second book, [b:Post Mortem|13644678|Post mortem|Peter Terrin||19261112]. I am so glad - I loved the last book, and if anything, this one was even better.

At the end of [b:Dead Letter Office|13415915|Dead Letter Office|Kira Snyder||18726299], the reader is told about a pile of letters that Celia has, in which she is being asked for help. This book is based a couple of weeks after the first, and follows the events of a letter from Celia's pile. Again, she has the help of best friend Tilly as well as Luc and/or Donovan.

The reason I said this book may have been a little better than the first is that it gets stuck straight into the adventure, without needing an introduction to the characters. The characters are established, and there's no pussy-footing around, wondering if someone will get weird with the level of magic involved. That was still great in book 1, don't get me wrong, but there was an instant hook in this story that I loved.

Talking about magic I think the way that magic is so effortlessly intertwined with normal life is really cool. Within a paragraph, Tilly can be whipping up some magical concoction and at the same time dig at Celia for gossip about Luc/Donovan/insert teen issue here. <spoiler>I have a thing for realism, so while in a different book I might have an issue with the protagonist leaving a big dance to go adventuring, in this book it seemed perfectly normal.</spoiler>

Snyder has created characters that will develop upon every sequel, and I think the series would actually make a brilliant TV show - I'd definitely watch it! As with last time, I enjoyed the choices I could make, although they seemed to have a further reach in this book, which meant I had to think more about what I chose. There's one towards the end that took me longer than it should have to decide, as it dramatically affects the climax of the book. There's only one thing slightly negative I'd say about the whole book, and that is that sometimes things were mentioned that only happened in one of the choices in the last book. For readers that, unlike me, didn't read all scenarios, that could have been an issue.

In brief (after a long review - oops!), a highly recommended book, and I can't wait for #3!
In this third entry into the Where Are They Now? series, Tilda Harper finds herself doubting her abilities as a journalist after two unfortunate incidents go awry. Invited to meet and interview the star of the movie, which itself is based on a comic from the eighties that is now a cult classic, Tilda sets off. As she interviews the star, John Laryea, who was also in a musical-adventure television show as a teen, and various others involved with the film project, she witnesses the hit-and-run of Laryea and his assistant. While she discovers who was behind that "accident" and works to clear the main suspect's name, she also is hired to find out who Leviathan, the mysterious creator of the classic comic book series, Pharos, actually is.

A smart main character, Tilda may make some mistakes but she's never dumb and never annoying. She goes about her work in a very professional way even if she may have some sarcastic thoughts about someone or something. I really do like her, she's not a silly nitwit who gets by on luck or relies on a guy. The cast of characters are, as usual, interesting and incorporated very well into the plot. Along with the new faces, some familiar ones are here as well. Cooper, Tilda's best friend who always brings some lightheartedness, isn't as prominent in this book as he has been in the others, I believe it's only through phone conversations, but luckily the book doesn't suffer because of this. Tilda's sister, June is in it for a short amount of time that doesn't diminish her repartee with Tilda. Nick (Tilda's former and maybe future love interest) and his dad, Dom, are the two who feature predominantly since Dom's company is in charge of the film's security. Following the pattern of each book, a new roommate is introduced, though I'm sure she'll be gone by the next outing, this time the roommate is an animal collector, the latest being a snake Tilda's not too fond of.

The two plots are well-paced and complement each other nicely. Pretty much every page of the book was interesting, with clues so subtly embedded I didn't always pick up on them, that it held my attention to the very end. I love the concept of this series and while I liked the previous books, I believe this may just be the best one to date and hope there are many more to come.

Series order:
[b:Curse of the Kissing Cousins|2384227|Curse of the Kissing Cousins (Where are They Now?, #1)|Toni L.P. Kelner||2391239]
[b:Who Killed the Pinup Queen?|7518303|Who Killed the Pinup Queen? (Where are They Now?, #2)|Toni L.P. Kelner||9733117]
[b:Blast from the Past|8592435|Blast from the Past (Where Are They Now? #3)|Toni L. P. Kelner||13462058]
Tuesday's Gone (Frieda Klein, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dr. Freida Klein is a psychotherapist and a "consultant" with the London police. She is helping the police solve the murder of Robert Poole, whose body was found in the apartment of a mentally unstable woman, Michelle Doyce. The police are ready to close the case. With Michelle unfit to stand trial, she will spend her time in a mental institution....Case Closed! But Freida saw past all that into something much more. Putting her life on the line and confronting witnesses without the help of the police, are just part of what makes up Dr. Klein. And, you'll never guess who did it. The book had me on the edge of my seat from page one.

Can't wait to read more in this series and really bummed that I didn't read [b:Blue Monday|10940958|Blue Monday (Frieda Klein, #1)|Nicci French||15858219] first, but it has been add to my "To Read" list.

The part about this book that made me give it five stars is that it had me from the beginning and it was hard to figure out who the killer was. Too many people had a motive. Nicci French did a really amazing job of keeping the suspense.
    Family Tree

    Family Tree

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    Family Tree -- based on folder structure 1. folder tree structure, compatible, easy to maintain 2....

3.5 stars.

This has been on my kindle since 2012 so I thought it was about time I got around to reading it, especially since I read [b:Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble|8542839|Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble (Jolie Wilkins, #1)|H.P. Mallory||13410545] almost a year ago and I got them at the same time.

It took me a little getting into since I'm having a bit of an issue with paranormal books at the minute but once I got a third of the way in or so, I was pulled into the story bit by bit.

Me being me though, I was all for the romance aspects. Like Fire Burn... there were three love interest for Dulcie and each was different. A Loki, a Vampire and a...pixie? Elf? I feel bad that I can't remember what he was but it wasn't continually repeated like the other two so I could remember. I can't say I had a favourite for her either, though the Loki seemed to be mentioned the most often.

'm interested in continuing the series and reading more of the authors work, I'm just not sure when I'll get round to it with my ever increasing to-read list.
Confession (David de Morrissey, #3)
Confession (David de Morrissey, #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been many years since i read books 1 and 2 of this series and as much as i wanted to read them all together, it took me a long time to find them in paperback considering how old they are (1992). Because of their age, they are rather old fashioned in style, using terms like "vampiress" and it took me quite a bit to get back into. Once i got past the first third of the book, I was used to it and though it took me a while, i got into the series again.

I feel a little bad for Darienne, though i do think she brought it on herself and the fact that she's off to London is not looking good. As for David and Veronica, I'm happy for them. It's taken three books but they're finally getting their HAE.

And because they got their HAE, I'm confused by book 4, [b:Eternity|1935575|Eternity (David de Morrissey, #4)|Lori Herter||1938087]. I always assumed it would be David and Veronica as vampires spending eternity together, but maybe it has something to to with Darienne?

I'm off to go find out.
    iZip - Zip Unzip Unrar Tool

    iZip - Zip Unzip Unrar Tool

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    No. 1 App for ZIP file management on iPhone/iPad! Most secure and fast Zip utility for business and...

    My Signature

    My Signature

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    This simple tool can help you to generate a customised e-signature on your iPhone, iPod touch and...

Aberrant (Aberrant, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was contacted by [a:Ruth Silver|6435509|Ruth Silver|/assets/nophoto/nophoto-U-50x66-251a730d696018971ef4a443cdeaae05.jpg], the author of this book, to promote <i>Aberrant</i>. In my <a href="">blog</a>; there is an interview, spotlight and giveaway. She gave me a copy of the book to read, but it goes without saying that this review is honest.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I was thrown headfirst into the action, first meeting Olivia when she is preparing for her wedding day. This piqued my interest, which was held right the way to the end. It was a brilliant dystopian plot, full of turns that I wasn’t expecting. It reminded me a bit of [b:The Hunger Games|2767052|The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1)|Suzanne Collins||2792775] and [b:Brave New World|5129|Brave New World|Aldous Huxley||3204877], in that the government was very much in control – so much so that it could control the most intimate of features in its inhabitants’ lives. There’s a lot of uncertainty throughout the book as to what will happen to Olivia. She’s often not as safe as she would like to be, and feels the weight of expectation, the latter of which is something I think a lot of young adults can relate to.

I think what enhanced the book for me was Olivia and Joshua. Their relationship is written really well; as best friends with a complicated aspect thrown in, there’s the right touch of familiarity versus the unknown. Throughout, they work as a team, the realism of which I liked – it makes a change to the power games that appear in other YA books where sexual tension is at the forefront. Josh and Olivia have been raised in an environment where conception – and therefore sex – doesn’t happen, which made a really refreshing change. Even though they’re 18, the reader is able to see certain realisations bloom in their minds, and that was great to read!

When I interviewed her, Ruth Silver said about what inspired her to write the book:

<blockquote><i>Often, we as a society implement the use of vaccines, especially in preventing disease and now even cervical cancer. Of course the vaccines are all safe and approved by the relevant authorities for the country you live in. I decided to think a little further ahead, and a little darker. What if it was an epidemic where everyone was required to get vaccinated and testing had been shortened or barely done at all?</i></blockquote>

Hearing it put like that made me uneasy, because it brings home how potentially easy it could be for something to strike the world, and for us to find ourselves in a dystopia. I think stories such as this one, where it stems from a simple idea, are the most effective. Mix that in with great characterisation, a little bit of the supernatural, and a plot that twists and turns, and you’re sorted. A great read, thoroughly recommended.
The Horse and His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia, #5)
The Horse and His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia, #5)
C.S. Lewis | 1995 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly, is this the third Narnia book, or is it the fifth?

The answer to that is whether you go by chronological setting (in which case it's the third), or by publication date (it's the fifth).

This is also a story that I didn't remember reading as a child; however, when I was recently re-reading it I was finding plot elements to be a little-bit-more-familiar than I was otherwise expecting: perhaps I did, and had just forgotten.

Unlike [b: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe|100915|The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #1)|C.S. Lewis||4790821], this does not follow the Pevensie children, but rather the journey of a young boy named Shasta who discovers he was adopted and is running away to Narnia when his adoptive father is about to sell him into slavery; running away alongside/with the help of the talking horse Bree. Along the way they fall in with a girl named Aravis and her talking horse Hwin, who are also making the same escape.

While I've heard arguments recently that, in this book, CS Lewis is displaying his own racist xenophobia ('fair and white ... accursed but beautiful Barbarians'), personally I think that is reading too much into what is simply intended to be a children's Arabian Nights esque fairytale