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[b:Waking the Witch|6725785|Waking the Witch (Women of the Otherworld, #11)|Kelley Armstrong||6921947] and [b:Spell Bound|7797032|Spell Bound (Women of the Otherworld, #12)|Kelley Armstrong||10767072] should truly be read back to back. In fact, they should be read with [b:13|10863148|13 (Women of the Otherworld, #13)|Kelley Armstrong||15778276] on hand, almost as a trilogy within the series.

At the end of <i>Waking the Witch</i>, Savannah silently thought that if it would reunite an orphan with her grandmother, Savannah would gladly give up her powers. Something heard her and took her up on that unintended deal, and she finds herself powerless for the first time in her life.

Savannah has always been so very powerful that she has counted on her spells more than most witches or sorcerors do, so she finds living without them to be very difficult &mdash; especially since a witch hunter and others are after her. There's a Supernatural Liberation Movement that wants to use her as one of its figureheads, with or without her cooperation, in their quest to bring supernaturals out of the closet and into the spotlight. She has to do some serious soul-searching and growth in the process of avoiding enemies and getting creative about staying alive.

The plot moves extremely quickly, so much so that I couldn't keep track of what day it was in the book. In fact, it moves right into the plot of [b:13|10863148|13 (Women of the Otherworld, #13)|Kelley Armstrong||15778276]. I'm having fits because I don't have it on hand, and I just can't wait for the library to get around to me on the hold list &mdash; I might have to break down and buy it instead.
[b:Saltation (Theo Waitley, #2)|6669085|Saltation (Theo Waitley, #2) (Liaden Universe, #13)|Sharon Lee||6131174] is good enough that I finished [b:Fledgling (Theo Waitley, #1)|5585180|Fledgling (Theo Waitley, #1) (Liaden Universe, #12)|Sharon Lee||5756422], then read it in one sitting. It simply has the sort of momentum that doesn't allow for good stopping points &mdash; something that is true of many of the Liaden Universe novels.

At the end of Fledgling, Theo was sponsored into pilot school by Scout Cho sig'Radia. Saltation begins with her time there, just as politically naive as ever, but a much more confident person than she was at the beginning of Fledgling. Many of the characters from Fledgling reappear, including Win Ton, Kamele, and Jen Sar. There are new characters too, though, such as Kara ven'Arith and Orn Ald yos'Senchul (who, by the way, also appear in a free story, <a href="">Landed Alien</a>, that has just been released at the Baen web site and should be read after Saltation).

Theo is a legal adult now, but a very young one, and she has plenty of growing up left to do. That said, this is a young ADULT novel, not a children's book &mdash; while it isn't discussed specifically, Theo does take a lover.

She continues to flex and stretch into an admirable heroine. She isn't perfect, by any means, being sometimes short-tempered and not understanding social cues easily. She's someone readers can relate to, though, and that is important. We were brought up concurrent with the end of [b:I Dare|1103876|I Dare (Liaden Universe, #11)|Sharon Lee||1644933], which was vastly satisfying. I will go right on with reading [b:Ghost Ship|9762449|Ghost Ship (Liaden Universe, #14, Theo Waitley, #3)|Sharon Lee||14651808], because I definitely want to know more!
13. Unlucky for some?

The reason I bring that up is because this is the 13th entry in the Cato and Macro series that began way back in 2001 with [b: Under the Eagle|578428|Under the Eagle (Eagle, #1)|Simon Scarrow||565359] and, by now, you pretty much know what to expect!

Taking place not long after [b: The Blood Crows|18484220|The Blood Crows (Eagle, #12)|Simon Scarrow||25144364], this is also set back in Brittania, with the culmination (?) of the campaign against Caratacus.

Somehow, however, I found this to be 'flatter' than the previous novels; just not as engaging as before. I don't know whether this is to do with the change in the circumstances between Cato and Macro or in the fact that I've been reading quite a few historical fiction novels recently or what, but this (I felt) was just not as good as the earlier entries in the series.

(Oh, and as an aside: my version came with a short story 'The Red Sail' included, with that story having two endings. All in all, I think I actually preferred the alternative ending - every hero, after all, needs his nemesis. Batman has the Joker, Superman has Lex Luthor, Sherlock Holmes had Moriarity .. )
Theo Waitley has met her father's Clan and been Seen by the Delm of Korval now, at the end of both [b:I Dare|1103876|I Dare (Liaden Universe, #11)|Sharon Lee||1644933] and [b:Saltation (Theo Waitley, #2)|6669085|Saltation (Theo Waitley, #2) (Liaden Universe, #13)|Sharon Lee||6131174]. She does not, however, consider herself of Korval &mdash; she is a Waitley, as is reasonable for a young woman raised in a matrilineal culture. She did, however, take two issues to the Delm for solving, and one has been resolved: she has been reunited with her missing father.

However, she also carries the Captain's key to the sentient ship Bechimo, and that ship is looking for her. The Delm chose to put that issue aside, trusting that it would solve itself, given enough time. How much time, though, and in what manner?

In the meantime, she acts as courier for Uncle, one obviously known to the Clan and not as an ally &mdash; although not necessarily as an enemy, either. As his courier, she flies his ship, Arin's Toss, which is hunted by his enemies, including the Department of the Interior.

Theo acquits herself as well as any child of Korval could in meeting her challenges. She continues to experience more than the usual number of them, though, because of her Terran rearing and Liaden appearance. It seems to me that a father as dutiful as Jen Sar Kiladi (or Daav yos'Phellium) would have given her more preparation to encounter Liaden society.

[b:Ghost Ship|9762449|Ghost Ship (Liaden Universe, #14, Theo Waitley, #3)|Sharon Lee||14651808] certainly isn't limited to Theo's story. We rejoin Val Con and pregnant Miri as they move to Surebleak, and check in with Daav as he settles in to being Daav again after his long sojourn as Kiladi. There are also appearances by Pat Rin, Natesa, Quin, Padi, Shan, and other family members. Definitely an ensemble cast this time out, and just as absorbing as fans have come to expect.

Kayleigh (12 KP) rated Fear Week in Books

Jan 2, 2019  
Fear Week
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was sent [b:Fear Week|17157832|Fear Week|Andrew McBurnie||23580878] by [a:Andrew McBurnie|2920822|Andrew McBurnie|], the author, in exchange for an honest review. The plot appealed to me as I'd never heard of, let alone read anything about the Cuban missile crisis, and I wanted a chance to learn about that and the Cold War.

The story centres around Adrian Thorby and the events that happen to him over the week of the Cuban missile crisis. His age is never mentioned, but I'd put it at around 13. The tension between America and Russia is affecting Hull in 1962, but those aren't the only things that worry Adrian that week.

Generally, when starting a book I read as little of the blurb as possible, so I was a little shocked when, on the second page, there's the line:

<blockquote>"He felt his willy twitching..."</blockquote>

Don't get me wrong, it's realistic, but I hadn't been expecting it! There was more on this subject throughout the book, and at times it was somewhat awkward, but this was probably proportionate to the embarrassment Adrian was feeling!

McBurnie created really realistic relationships between the characters, whether Adrian's family or friends. I loved the sibling rivalry, and could really relate to the sense of panic Adrian's friend Tim and he felt when they 'lost' his brother's book.

It took me a little while to get into this, but once I did, I enjoyed it. It's a creeper! McBurnie captures the little things really well - fears about the nuclear threat, and family niggles, for example. I also thought that, once it got going, the story managed to evoke the history it was representing. The casual acceptance of caning in school helped with a lot of this, haha!
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