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Two-Way Street
Two-Way Street
Lauren Barnholdt | 2007 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly, this book was written almost ten years ago when MySpace was a really popular site. Now if it had been a newer, edited version where all the MySpace's were replaced with Facebook or Twitter I might have gelled with it a little more.

Secondly, it's supposed to be YA but the way the characters were acting for 18 year olds was pretty ridiculous at times. It was like they were fifteen or something. I struggled to get Courtney. She was so annoying at times, so whiny and inner turmoil-y. So immature compared to some other books I've read lately.

Thirdly, the thing that split them up was pretty obvious after about 100 pages. A lot of drama over something that could have been so easily sorted out.

Not my sort of book.

Amanda Palmer recommended Big Science by Laurie Anderson in Music (curated)

Big Science by Laurie Anderson
Big Science by Laurie Anderson
2007 | Pop, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Laurie Anderson I discovered in college along with a whole other collection of artists, like Philip Glass, John Cage and Pauline Oliveros. I took an experimental music class when I was 18, which opened up this entire world of music I'd been missing. In high school I listened to Einsteurzende Neubauten and I'd pick up weird-looking found sound records from the used record bin at my local record store, but this was the first time I'd really studied it. Looking back at the vast majority of music that influenced me as a teenager, 99% of it was by boys. Before, my female influences had been Cyndi Lauper and Madonna and Alison Moyet. But Laurie Anderson was just playing an entirely different game. She was just making the bizarre music that she wanted to. She didn't need to glam up. I just remember looking at the fucking album cover of Big Science and thinking 'This is the coolest fucking woman in the world.' She looks like she gives no shit about what anyone thinks of her, in a way that surpassed Riot Grrrl or anything like that. And the fact that she had a powerhouse intellect and was a storyteller... she set a new bar in my head. She was a performance artist, which was what I wanted to be when I was 18. I imagined that I'd do something with theatre and music, probably both. I never thought as myself as any great shakes as a musician – and I still don't – but I thought of myself as a great creative performer. What Laurie Anderson and Pauline Oliveros were doing was taking the instruments they'd been taught and transmuting them into this beautiful, strange world of art. They were taking that stuff and fucking it up, and that gave me a lot of hope."

A Bat out of Hell: The Musical
A Bat out of Hell: The Musical
2017 | Musical
The Music (1 more)
The Cast
The story is... weird (0 more)
A Story Out of Hell, Music Out of Heaven
I watched this a few years ago at the Dominion Theatre in London, and will hopefully be seeing it again in January (fingers crossed). I am by no means a massive theatre fan, but I was drawn to this show because of my love for Meat Loaf (the artist not the food). My mum got me and my sister hooked on his music from a young age and it was my sister that convinced me to see this show - I'm glad that she did...

Written by Jim Steinman, who also wrote the original album 'Bat Out of Hell' (one of the greatest albums ever btw) this show tells the story of... well it's kinda confusing... basically, two 18 year olds that fall in love, even though the parents forbid it... but the characters are all stuck at age 18 and never age... and it's set in some post-apocalyptic, dystopian future... yeah like I said, confusing. But as I said, I didn't really see this show for the story, it was the music that carried me through this show.

The story is... okay, but the music is brilliant. It offers a slightly different take on classics such as 'Bat Out of Hell', 'Paradise by the Dashboard Lights' and 'Heaven Can Wait' amongst others. The songs really help you to understand the story a bit better, and are performed brilliantly by the cast.

Overall I would say this show is probably perfect for fans of Meat Loaf, but perhaps lacking in story for avid theatre goers. For someone like me who isn't that invested in theatre culture, but appreciates the music, this show was perfect.
The Wicked Cometh
The Wicked Cometh
Laura Carlin | 2018 | Mystery, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enjoyable, easy read
Rich in atmosphere, characterisation and vocabulary, this historical fiction follows the character of Hester White, an 18-year-old living in squalid conditions in 19th century London. A carriage accident may well prove her salvation - passenger, the charismatic Calder Brock, seems determined to rescue her from the gutter, his sister Rebekah to be entrusted with her education.

Following closely in Sarah Waters' footsteps, this is a Victorian pastiche that returns to those perennials of murder, identity, prostitution and female survival. Carlin writes with fluency and conjures up a grim, dank, seedy London where the only sanctuary for our heroine is in female friendship

While this is an enjoyable read, it does feel more generic than original, and there are some clumsy tricks such as the extended death-bed confession/life-story at the end. Great for fans of Victoriana.
In [Once Upon A Road Trip] [Angela N. Blount] tells of a coming of age/finding yourself journey for the internet age. Angeli at the age of 18 has no idea what she wants to do. She would like to be a writer or even a minister. Her desire to figure it all out takes her on a journey through the US stopping and staying with people she has met on the internet. Before you all get like all the adults and say she is crazy, understand she had a plan. Also it was families she was staying with not weirdos.

I loved most of the style and voice of this book. In fact I plan to recommended to a few former students who are going through similar angst. The ending was predictable though. Perhaps I should not have read the dedication first.

Andy K (10821 KP) created a post in Movies are the shiz!

Apr 7, 2018  
Top 20 highest grossing films never to hit #1 in the US for any weekend:

1 Sing $270,395,425 2016
2 My Big Fat Greek Wedding $241,438,208 2002
3 Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel $219,614,612 2009
4 Alvin and the Chipmunks $217,326,974 2007
5 Sherlock Holmes $209,028,679 2009
6 World War Z $202,359,711 2013
7 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs $196,573,705 2009
8 Interstellar $188,020,017 2014
9 The Day After Tomorrow $186,740,799 2004
10 Dances with Wolves $184,208,848 1990
11 Lincoln $182,207,973 2012
12 How to Train Your Dragon 2 $177,002,924 2014
13 The Greatest Showman $172,697,432 2017
14 A Beautiful Mind $170,742,341 2001
15 Chicago $170,687,518 2002
16 Bridesmaids $169,106,725 2011
17 Casino Royale $167,445,960 2006
18 Kung Fu Panda 2 $165,249,063 2011
19 Catch Me If You Can $164,615,351 2002
20 Django Unchained $162,805,434 2012
Google Home Mini Smart Speaker
Google Home Mini Smart Speaker
Home Audio & Theater > Speakers
Good clarity of audio (0 more)
Sometimes talks to itself(!) (0 more)
Fun and useful
We've had the Mini speaker for about 18 months, with a Google music pass. It's been a great addition, and has been really useful for small-to-medium parties (say up to 10 people) as a good background music player, or for smaller parties as the main music.

Being able to link your phone to Broadcast is nice, and sometimes a great way to get the kids to actually listen when it's time for bed! Also, being able to control the song and volume from the phone app is very useful.

We have tried it a couple of times, but there are also games and really cringeworthy dad-jokes abound.

It would be great if the games were a little more interactive, but that would obviously be something for the future development.

Chris Carr (78 KP) rated the Xbox One version of FIFA 19 in Video Games

Jan 3, 2019  
2018 | Sports
Looks like football .ultimate team & playing online (0 more)
Pay to win .rewards are dia .defense system is a joke (0 more)
A love hate relationship with FIFA
I bought FIFA late this season after buying FIFA every season since day one ..I'm disappointed in that the coins I built up in FIFA 18 dosnt follow on into FIFA 19 .defense system gets worse every season can't seem to defend to save my life .transfers are utter rubbish especially if like me your starting mid season other players are just out to make coins & asking stupid prices for consumables it's going to take something special for me to change my love hate relationship with FIFA I like to play sports on Xbox. seasons are short as it is so when FIFA 20 arrives in September garented EA sports will forget FIFA 19
I read this on recommendation from my dad, and, I must admit, while I went in not expecting much from it, I was actually quite pleasantly surprised and found it to be quite enjoyable.

I beleive there is now something like 18 books in the eries; this is the very first that introduces us to the central character of Amelia Peabody: a Victorian heiress at the turn of the century. I'm also not really sure how to classify this novel, as it combines elements of mystery, action/adventure, romance and comedy, with the central character of Amelia herself being a bit of a know-it-all (she's always right, even after the fact).

Will I read more in the series? Probably, but I don't know if they are books I would go out of my way to look for.

Rebecca Billcliff (2409 KP) rated Hey Duggee in TV

Nov 12, 2019 (Updated May 23, 2021)  
Hey Duggee
Hey Duggee
2014 | Animation, Family
Some subtle humor (0 more)
Duggee is one of those programs for small children that knows adults are stuck watching it over and over. To help combat parental insanity, they throw in the odd grown-up joke, and I live for it.
When my lad decides to put Duggee on instead of some of the other inane crap there is for babies out there (and yes, he chooses, because he is a lockdown baby who at 18 months knew the code to the ipad, and how to put Netflix on, and chose the "kids" profile!), it makes my day.
I have honestly found it hard to get sick of this program, each time it comes on, I spot something new, a joke I missed, some subtle detail, it has (so far) not got old.
Now give me a Duggee hug!