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Lenard (726 KP) rated Shaft (2019) in Movies

Jun 23, 2019  
Shaft (2019)
Shaft (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime
Samuel L Jackson in the role he is most suited for. Jackson plays John Shaft, an unfiltered New York City detective turned private investigator. Shaft works the mean streets of Harlem although not the gentrified nouveau riche version that exists today. In this sequel to the 2000 remake/continuation of the 70s classics, the booksmart JJ, John Shaft Jr, hires Shaft to help him investigate the "suicide" of his best friend, an Afghan War vet and former heroin junkie. Using his special set of streetwise skills, Shaft shows his son that he may not know as much as he thinks he does especially when it comes to women. Together, the Shafts uncover the conspiracy that the Supertroopers found 18 years ago but in Harlem with a major Latinx drug dealer who tried to destroy Shaft's life 20 years ago. While not great, this film at least is entertaining in ways most of the films this summer is not.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Apollo 11 (2019) in Movies

Jul 5, 2019 (Updated Jul 5, 2019)  
Apollo 11 (2019)
Apollo 11 (2019)
2019 | Documentary
Following the slick disaster movie (1995's Apollo 13) and the oddball horror flick (2011's Apollo 18), cinema's most unpredictable franchise returns with, of all things, a prequel documentary made up almost entirely of contemporary footage of the first manned Moon landing (or possibly a bunch of Stanley Kubrick's out-takes from faking the whole thing, depending on what you personally believe).

No narration, no talking heads, almost no music or graphics: this tells the story in the most stripped-back way imaginable and as a result makes it seem remarkably fresh and engaging. One's first reaction is to wonder where they found all this incredible footage, depicting every aspect of the mission in extraordinary, pristine detail. The director wisely makes the decision to basically get out of the way and let the pictures tell the story of the human race's greatest achievement. Essential viewing for anyone interested in history, or the future.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Just Mercy (2019) in Movies

Jan 30, 2020 (Updated Jan 31, 2020)  
Just Mercy (2019)
Just Mercy (2019)
2019 | Drama
Freedom and Justice
Why is this film not nominated for any awards at the oscars? Why is this film, not being talked about, why is no one talking about this film.

It is a powerful movie, a emotional movie, a film that will make you cry, a overall excellent and phenomenal movie.

The Plot: After graduating from Harvard, Bryan Stevenson heads to Alabama to defend those wrongly condemned or those not afforded proper representation. One of his first cases is that of Walter McMillian, who is sentenced to die in 1987 for the murder of an 18-year-old girl, despite evidence proving his innocence. In the years that follow, Stevenson encounters racism and legal and political maneuverings as he tirelessly fights for McMillian's life.

Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx, Brie Larson and Tim Blake Nelson are all excellent and shouls have been nominated.

If you havent watched or heard about this film than go look it up and see it, cause it will make you cry.
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
1998 | Action, Drama, War

"The opening 18 minutes of that thing, I mean, when the door dropped on the Higgins craft and it all of a sudden was World War Two in color, seeing blood, seeing guys walking around looking for their arm that had been blown off. Weird poignant scenes where the medic was like stopping the bleeding and the bullet would just go right through the guy’s head. Also the story was strong too; there’s a bunch of guys named Ryan spread out all over the place and they think they’re finding him, and his guys kind of going, “Why are we killing ourselves trying to save one guy, and we’ve lost two or three of our own?” That thing that would never go on today. And all the stops along the way, there’s no way an hour into that movie I went, “Nah, I don’t care if they find him or not, I’m moving on.”"

Since I read this after reading book 3, it made a lot more sense to me than the 18 months between book 2 and 3.

Anyway, I'm glad that Sarah finally made her mind up and chose Michael, he'd always cared for her so for them to end up together has made me happy for them. Team Michael!

As for the rest, everything that had been building up over the previous three books was brought to a head in this and we see the final showdown with the Council and some of the other Vampires. I'm glad a lot of it fell on the good guys side.

If you're going to read this, you should read them as closely together as possible to get the full affect of the story.

I've seen the author is planning on a fifth book, but I think the series has ended well enough without it so I don't think I'll read it if it does come out.
No Time to Die (2021)
No Time to Die (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Thriller
Daniel craig (2 more)
Lea seydoux
Aston martin
Too long (0 more)
Yes finally seen bond after 18 months of delays due to covid I've finally watched it there was a point I fought I would never see the movie. On to the review was the film any good yes was it worth the wait yes coming out the movie I would say contender for my film of the year it has everything the first 20 mins very action packed before we even get to Billie ellish singing the theme song Daniel Craig gives his best bond performance for last and what a ride its been over five movies there are twists I didn't see coming which I won't give away here the only gripe I would say too long at 2 hours 45 mins making it the longest bond movie ever could have been slightly shorter but that's my only gripe overall probably my favourite craig bond of all

Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) created a post

Oct 1, 2022  
September Reads

So this month I’ve read 18 books and DNFd 4!

This month has been a strange mix for me I’ve never DNFd so many books in one month! But I don’t see the point in continuing a book I am not enjoying or is just badly put together when I could be reading one I will enjoy.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 8
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5
⭐️⭐️ 4

My favourite was The Reclamation by Ivy Asher it was a series up until this book that just needed a kick and this book delivered it!
I also really enjoyed When you Disappeared by John Marrs it was a good read!

My worst book was Night Circus I so fell into the hype around this book but it was such a let down I only continued with it for a challenge!

Overall it’s been a okish month for reading I do have some really interesting books coming up for October!
Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
1975 | Drama, Horror, War

"Then I got into film school at the age of 17. Because I was young, the day I turned 18 my mother wanted me to see [Pier Paolo] Pasolini’s Salò. She said now you are old enough to see a precise portrayal of human cruelty. Maybe because my parents escaped Argentina during the dictatorship to avoid ending up in a torture camp like their friends ended up, she had a particular concern about the portrayal of human cruelty and torture. So she said, “You want to know how bad life can turn? Come with me and see this film.” And I saw it. And I know that movie stuck to my mind for, like, 12 years in a very precise, shocking way. And I never felt, for 12 years, the need to re-watch it. I said it was great to see it, but I was not ready to admit the perception of how bad people can be. It’s those very hot and cold — how do you say the people who study insects? -– entomologists. Sometimes you feel almost like an entomologist describing the life of ants. But the vision is sharp. The lesson is sharp. And also what I like about the movie is that, although the movie is about masters and victims, Pasolini — he’s not on the side of any. He’s just — like a dark situation, sharing the pain of one, or the dark joy, or the dirty joy, I don’t know. It’s almost like they’re above the character that they’re describing and they don’t identify with any particular one. You can also have that in The Battle of Algiers. But in any case, at 18, that’s a very major movie. I think nowadays that’s one of the very major movies in the future of cinema. It’s something strong that has not been copied in any way since. And that’s why, in my movie, I wanted to put Pasolini’s Salò poster above the bed, just to remind me that whatever I will do, my movie cannot shock, because of some people before us who made these extremely daring movies that really shocked their time. When people tell me I’m provocative I know that I’m not at all, compared to these masters of cinema."

The Forgotten Girls
The Forgotten Girls
Sara Blaedel | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Forgotten Girls was a pretty good book. I can’t say it was amazing, but it definitely wasn’t bad. It is a book in a series. It’s designed so you don't have to read the others to enjoy this one and even though I didn’t need the other books in the series to know what was going on, I did feel a little lost at times, and I felt like I was thrown into the middle of a movie (like I skipped the first scene) and it was disconcerting.

That being said, the story itself was okay. It was a good execution of a concept that just wasn't that high. The climax didn’t feel that phenomenal and I felt like it ended just as it got going.

All in all, it was a fine read, I wasn’t annoyed by it, I certainly enjoyed the process, but it didn’t force me to keep reading like some books, and I wasn’t that impressed with the overall experience.

Content/Recommendation: Some language, violence, rape scene (not overly-grotesque). Ages 18+
They Both Die At The End
They Both Die At The End
Adam Silvera | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Characters (2 more)
Thought provoking
That it had to end (0 more)
What would you do if you were told you would die within the next 24 hours?
You didn't know how or when it would happen just that it was inevitable and would happen before midnight?
Would you spend your time at home with friends and family, just being together and enjoying that time?
Would you go out and do things you had never done before and pushed the boundaries of your bravery?

This is where Mateo and Rugus find themselves. One 17 and the other 18 and today they are dying.
But rather than sit around and wait for death they find each other and start one last grand adventure on their End Day.

This book really makes you think, makes you assess your life and if you are living it to its full potential. It doesn't leave you feeling sad that these two characters know they are dying, it makes you feel happy and uplifted that for their last day they lived it to the fullest possible.